8:21 am
December 2, 2010

Can anyone give me some advice on how to get my BB Storm working with browsing? It's unlocked phone from Telus. I've got the SMS mesg that it's been activated, and the connection has changed from GSM to edge. I've pulled the battery to do a reboot of the system.
I put in the goam/wapuser1 in the TCP/IP settings. I checked the Service Book and it has both WAP Transport and WAP BrowserConfig there, but they look to be empty, with USER ID:-1, DSID & Gateway IP being blank. And it doesn't look like I can change/edit these.
When I use the built in browser, it tries to connect and show's requesting, but after a long while of attempting I get a "unable to connect".
3:44 pm
December 2, 2010

This is SO frustrating.
Stuck a Rogers SIM with data into the Storm 9530 to see if I could do some updates to possibly correct the problem. Updated the Service Book, as well as downloaded Opera Mini. Browsing worked fine using both the BB browser and Opera. Noticed I now had access to change browser settings from the default "Telus Wap browser' to just "Internet Browser".
Also stuck the SO SIM into a BB Torch locked on Rogers, and it worked fine as well being able to browse using the built in BB browser. And this was without any APN settings either.
Stuck the SO SIM back into the Storm and nadda. WAP entries went back to being blank. Browser configuration stuck on "Telus Wap browser".
I don't get what's going on.
6:20 pm
April 22, 2009

9:00 am
December 2, 2010

11:00 am
April 22, 2009

4:55 pm
December 2, 2010

8:26 am
January 18, 2011

xb0xb0y said:
i'm admitting defeat. haven't managed to figure out anything. either the phone isn't registering with the network properly and/or i don't have the current Service Book entries.
I have done it... on an unlocked telus 9530 non-wifi storm. Installed OPERA mini browser and it works (it just worked...) I can browse, get yahoo mail, yahoo stock quotes, weather, ebay mobile etc etc...
BUT - if I want to D/L or get APPS the phone tries to start the original Telus browser, which of course FAILS (like all things telus)...
For kicks I installed the US AT/T service books (with BBSAK swiss army knife, from crackberry, a .ipd file) and everything changed. BB browser still does not work, but the Telus logo was gone.
So I manually deleted all the service books and it's back to Telus. But opera worked thru all these changes. Opera Rocks..!! that just sounds so wrong...
There is a person on Crackberry (PL Taylor) who claims to have rogers service books but I'm not sure if it would work since this is S/O, so I have not persued it any further.
4:28 pm
January 18, 2011

My BB 9530 browsing stopped working... speakout people must come here and spy on us... it just quit after working for 2 months. The only thing that worked was the OPERA browser, and I didn't do much data - just check email and stock quotes. Not a lot of data, I did not get a warning for 'too much data'. My 'service book' is empty and OPERA always worked, it just can't connect anymore. Tried re-booting (battery out) with no change.