7:53 am
September 6, 2011

I have a speakout phone service on a unlocked GSM phone and I want to buy a new phone. If I understand it correctly, the phone number is tied to the SIM card. I also remeber that I have to provide the current phone's IMEI when I first activate my SIM. My new phone will have a different IMEI. Can I just move the current SIM to the new phone? What else should I do to get the new phone to work.
9:37 am
April 22, 2009

9:39 am
December 30, 2010

use whatever phone you like(any unlock GSM), the IMEI doesn't matter EXCEPT for account management. For example, when I wanted to port out from my petro-canada account to SO, I have to provide to SO the original IMEI tied to the number for the porting. Which I have long forgotten and changed phone. Finally need to call up Petro canada support(the same operator as SO actually) and ask them for the information.