6:51 pm
December 26, 2011

7:17 pm
February 1, 2012

7:35 pm
June 3, 2011

3:55 am
March 10, 2010

For all you guys that are posting that you can't get it working, you might want to post what kind of phone you are using as well as your configuration settings. I am having no problems using this configuration in Toronto...
Access point: goam.com
User name: wapuser1
Password: wap
Port: 80
I'm on an iPhone 3GS and used the iPhone configuration utility to instal
4:01 am
February 2, 2012

Yeah, another here to confirm that Vancouver is down too.
I wonder if they realize how useless the browsing package is when it's restricted to only port 80. It's certainly not worth $10/month IMO. I'm sure many including myself will just cancel that package if it stays the way it is.
What do you guys think? Would you keep a $10/month package if all you got was port 80?
5:05 am
February 1, 2012

5:14 am
February 2, 2012

5:15 am
February 2, 2012

Mine stopped working but after reverting to my old settings now works fine. The internet works fine but in order to get anything else to work I have to use ASProxy. That is exactly how it was a couple months ago. Speed is around 120kBps which is also what it previously for me also (it fluctuates greatly in my area from 60kBps to 400kBps for no real reason). The only exception to this is Opera Mini no longer works, not sure if that is a data issue or if Operas servers were down though (they do go down from time to time)
for those who only browsing is working you just need to get ASProxy and set it up. This is android only of course there is nothing similar for the iPhone. Once your APN is entered correctly if you start your ASProxy then it will pop up a little menu to enter some more info. That info can be found with google but it is exactly the same as you entered into the APN
6:07 am
March 10, 2010

SennaRx8 said:
I'm using an Iphone 4. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to manually change my apn and/or set a proxy. I've re-installed the unlockit.co.nz app. But it still does not work. Any suggestions?
Very easy really. go to
http://support.apple.com/downl.....ds/#iphone configuration utility
and download the proper utility for your computer. Create a profile using the settings in my previous post. Plug your phone in to your computer. Select your phone in the left side panel and install the profile. Accept the installation on your phone and you are done.
6:25 am
December 22, 2008

Yes Autoproxy requires root access.
There are two versions available on the Market
Free with ads and must start manually
paid...starts automatically...no ads
both work fine....for most but not all apps
for reference
7:02 am
March 15, 2008

Let's see what SpeakOut actually advertises:
For $10 a month, you get unlimited browsing. This means you can surf the web, check your Facebook, or if you’re feeling hungry, find the closest 7-Eleven. All right from your phone, 24/7.
Notice that they don't define what they mean by "browsing." Notice that they don't highlight or even hint at how restrictive it really is. Notice that they don't tell you that you're going to get 2G speeds even as all other carriers provide 3G and are rapidly transitioning to 4G. To the contrary, they tell you about all the cool stuff you can do with UMB.
But do they tell you that while you can check your Facebook using your browser, you can't do it the way everyone else with a smartphone does by using the Facebook icon that drives the Facebook app on your phone? Do they warn you that while you can access Gmail (and Gcal etc.) using your browser, if you try to access them using the nifty icons that your phone manufacturer placed for your convenience on your Home screen then that won't work? Do they tell you that if you're hungry you have to use Google Search and Google Maps on your browser to find a nearby 7-11 instead of smartphone apps like everyone with a smartphone can do?
Worse, they allowed wide open 3G November, December and January. People who got (or gave) a SO phone for Christmas and started using it without realizing that they were supposed to get only restricted 2G browsing are now shocked by what's happened. They couldn't have seen this coming because their experience of SO's "browsing" all happened in Nov/Dec/Jan when everything worked. So they probably had no idea of how restrictive SO "browsing" would be and they now feel as if they've been cheated. The same applies to those who bought a $100 airtime credit in Nov/Dec in order to get $125 credit to use to fund UMB for a whole year and now find that they have $100 of credit they no longer need because they have to change carriers in order to get unrestricted 3G.
This could turn into a real PR nightmare for 7-11. Anyone who feels they were misled in Nov/Dec should make their views known to SO customer service now. Swamping their CS lines is good. Use the arguments above. Express your displeasure. Be polite and professional, but tell them how you feel.
Then, if SO doesn't resolve this issue quickly, contact your local consumer affairs reporter (e.g. Ellen Roseman at Toronto Star.) Also use social media like Facebook and Twitter to publicize this far and wide. (Of course you'll have to use your browser rather than the FB and T apps on your smartphone.)
Let's see if we can't turn this around.
P.S. I agree that abusers probably caused Robbers to tighten up their service. I'm OK with throttling, if not stopping, people who use more than some reasonable amount of bandwidth per month. Someone on RFD claimed that SO was flagging people who use over 350MB per month. That seems like a reasonable threshold for normal mobile usage, i.e. not for tethering, file sharing, video streaming, etc.
7:03 am
February 2, 2012

andreww said:
SennaRx8 said:
I'm using an Iphone 4. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to manually change my apn and/or set a proxy. I've re-installed the unlockit.co.nz app. But it still does not work. Any suggestions?
Very easy really. go to
http://support.apple.com/downl.....ds/#iphone configuration utility
and download the proper utility for your computer. Create a profile using the settings in my previous post. Plug your phone in to your computer. Select your phone in the left side panel and install the profile. Accept the installation on your phone and you are done.
Awesome, thank you. Everything is back to normal... I guess
7:08 am
December 30, 2010

very few apps(at least on iPhone) that doesn't work, even in the 'proxy' situation. facebook etc all use web service even for apps. the key email like hotmail/yahoo/gmail also use http only interface.
the most noticeable exception are IM which in general would not work because of alternative port use but what has it anything to do with browsing ?
another one is VOIP which mobile carrier has every reason for not letting it work.
I don't understand what people are complaining about.
7:47 am
February 1, 2012

still nothing today.
It was great while it lasted but sadly I guess it was too good to be true.
I used the 3g watchdog app for two weeks to keep track of how much data I was using. In that 2 week period I went through about 15gb of data. It was nice being able to watch netflix or play order and chaos mmo on my coffee breaks.
I have got way to used to having regular data and if it does not get back to working normally in the near future I will run up a LOT of data usage through my sim card untill my remaining balance is finished. I do not want to go into details on how it is done but it ryhmes with weather.
7:59 am
February 2, 2012

mr deeds said:
its my fault I was using a new tor app and browsing the deepweb. I think I blew up the internetz.
I *new it was you! mr deeds. Now we have no internet browsing! I have not called sneakout service because I know their lines are jammed with panic calls! My samsung galaxy s stopped working as of yesterday Feb. 1 when I checked it before work at 9am. I used apn settings as shown on sneakout's website. No browsing. I used firefox and dolphin browser. only port is 80. Websites I most frequent to are toronto star, canoe.ca, android, and android market. I can make phone call, receiving text. My phone indicate I have 4g data connections (sometimes 3g or edge, but mostly 4g), but I cannot use android market and no browsing.