4:14 am
March 10, 2010

Since Speakout went 3G my iPhone service has been fantastic. Over the past week or so I've noticed that during my train ride to and from work, I no longer get 3G, only Edge, from just outside Union all the way to Pickering station. Speed is terrible, and sometimes stops completely. Hopefully this is temporary?
11:34 am
April 13, 2010

I've experienced the same thing. I work in the east end around the DVP and 401 and have noticed a significant drop in service quality; not only do I only get Edge rather than 3G, sometimes I don't have signal at all. This has happened roughly in the last week.
Downtown service seems fine, 3G and 5 bars.
Rogers having network problems? Speakout getting shafted?
11:39 am
April 13, 2010

Looks like this is the main thread for this problem: