4:57 pm
October 14, 2008

11:49 pm
October 14, 2008

As far as I know, you can only download through WAP with this phone. That is, you will only be able to download content from Speak Out via WAP (if it is indeed available) You won't be able to download through a cable. I would think Speak Out deactivated any features that aren't compatible with their service.
11:54 pm
October 14, 2008

Yep, welcome to the world of basic phones
I think it's a good thing though. Speak Out is mostly for people who use their phones for emergencies, or people who are light users. Generally not for people who want the latest gadgets and gizmos on a phone, or the latest hi-tech phone. That is why Speak Out is cheap.
Wow, I just realized that this is my 100th post!! Ya!!! Guess I get a gold star now jk