8:38 pm
I was playing around with my 2760, trying to add ringtones via Bluetooth when I learned something interesting.
I was adding a ringtone with an ampersand (&) in the file name. I was able to copy it onto the 2760 via Bluetooth File Manager.
But when I tried to delete the ringtone file from the 2760 using my computer's Bluetooth File Manager/Explorer, I wasn't able to. I discovered that the ampersand was a special character so when it looked for that file name during the delete, it couldn't find it.
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
Of course, then I tried to delete it off the phone directly. I'll give you a tip for that too. You can't delete it through the Settings\\Tones\\Ring Tones menu. You have go through Gallery\\Tones\\Ring Tones to delete any files off the phone. Go figure.