10:33 pm
December 20, 2008

10:27 am
October 14, 2008

rvdz said:
I just purchased a Nokia 1680 (almost free with the $100 airtime).
The in-store display states that the phone has a FM radio.
However, I find no mention of this in the phone documentation, nor on any of the menus on the phone.
Does this feature exist on the 1680?
Are you sure the display was for the Nokia 1680? I just went to the Nokia.ca site, as well as the official SpeakOut site, and there is no mention on either site that the phone has an FM radio.
However the phone that is mentioned having an FM radio is the Nokia 5200, which is also sold by SpeakOut, so maybe that's the display you saw.
10:39 am
March 15, 2008

Probably a typo but still, it's on their website...
1:19 pm
October 14, 2008

4:46 pm
December 20, 2008

bylo said:
Probably a typo but still, it's on their website...
It was listed on the little tag which describes the phone and lists the price, that you take up to the counter to make the actual purchase.
It's also indicated on the 'handset guide' pdf document that is on the SO site (link above.)
I'm not terribly upset about this, but wonder if SO should be challenged or at least notified of their inaccurate advertising. It seems like a bit more than a 'typo' to me.
5:06 pm
March 15, 2008

if SO should be challenged or at least notified of their inaccurate advertising. It seems like a bit more than a 'typo' to me.
IMO yes you should report this to SO, especially if this "typo" appears on numerous marketing material. You might even point out that you bought the 1680 on the strength of the FM radio feature and now you're disappointed. Perhaps you can convince them to swap for a 2760 or 5200 at no extra cost.