10:24 am
December 24, 2010

I know most of the free text messaging apps don't work on Speakout, although I did find one that works, which starts with a t and ends with an s and is available in the App store. Sometimes it's buggy but it's better than nothing!
Does anyone know of any others? I tried another one called PingChat which is GREAT, but only works over wi-fi, sadly.
I'd just like a backup program in case my current one ever stops working over GPRS/data.
12:19 pm
March 10, 2010

4:50 pm
December 24, 2010

andreww said:
Prag said:
I did find one that works, which starts with a t and ends with an s and is available in the App store.
with over a hundred thousand apps, that really narrows it down. Any reason you cant post the app name?
Sorry, I was just concerned that by naming it in full, it'd be incredibly easy for the SpeakOut people (who apparently do view this forum) to go and block it. I rely heavily on the app to communicate with an American friend daily. I'll PM you the name of the app. It works on Android and iOS.
I also assume that using a Terminal app to SSH into a Unix/BSD/Linux shell account and using the old Unix command "TALK username" might work, but haven't tried it myself. It would certainly be low bandwidth though.
6:00 pm
July 2, 2010

6:33 am
December 24, 2010

springbok said:
care to pm me the name of the app too? please.
Done. I also found out from Andreww that there's one more app that will work, though haven't tried it myself. I mentioned it in the PM.
The problem with the first one I was referring to is it doesn't notify you when a new text rolls in. Other than that, it's worked fine for me. Since I just use the free text messaging app for non time sensitive chats, I manually check once an hour in case a new one rolled in, and that's worked fine for my purposes. When I'm in the midst of a texting conversation I hit the refresh button regularly. My SpeakOut and formerly Petro Canada Mobility accounts would drain realllllly fast were it not for these apps.
Perhaps someday I'll spring for the $10/month texting package but for now there's no need as the rare/few times someone does send me a time sensitive text they know to do it the regular way.
9:38 pm
December 13, 2010

8:42 am
December 30, 2010

If you know what carrier the person you are texting you could go to rogers wireless or bell.ca and text from the webpage.
For cheapos like us