11:27 am
December 15, 2010

Hi Guys
I've been trying to get the data plan to work on my new phone. I'm replacing my old Nokia E71 with the Galaxy S captivate. I have not rooted the phone and it was previously on rogers.
Like the thread: "Android phone and SO" says
Use settings:
Name: Speak Out
APN: goam.com
Port: 80
Username: wapuser1
Password: wap
MMSC: http:/mms.gprs.rogers.com
MMS proxy:
MMS port: 80
MCC: 302
MNC: 720
Authentication type: None
APN type: Internet
I've more than double checked all the settings but still no data. I have also contacted Speakout and they have resent the info to the phone.
Should the line - MMSC: http:/mms.gprs.rogers.com - be MMSC: http://mms.gprs.rogers.com or is the single slash correct?
Does the phone need to be rooted?
I do see the E with 2 arrows in the status bar. The up arrow lights up green when I try to access but the down arrow turns orange.
Other settings I have are ...
Use packet data - checked
Data roaming - not checked
network Mode - GSM/WCDMA (auto mode)
Firmware version is 2.3.3
Build number - GINGERBREAD.UXKH2
Any advise is appreciated.
9:56 pm
October 6, 2011

The fact that you're getting E (Edge) means it's working, and you're connected to the Data service. Browser doesn't work, everything else shouldn't work because you aren't rooted yet.
In that case (I could be wrong, but) you need to be rooted with proxy enabled. Autoproxy works well.
in that order.
And " http:/mms.gprs.rogers.com" is correct. Single slash. I have the exact input setting that you have on my Galaxy Vibrant. Works fine.
Ridiculous, but have you tried restarting your phone?
7:35 am
December 15, 2010

Thanks for the advise. After a lot of reading and a bit of a struggle I was able to root the phone. I have now installed the app autoproxy but still I'm having no luck. It must now be in the auto proxy settings as I get an error..
Auto Proxy
Failed to start proxy.sh
(file parsing error at line 19:boleanis not parsed
file parsing error at line 19:value can't be parsed
file parsing error at line 19:unclosed section)
I must have a setting wrong somewhere.
Proxy settings
Proxy type
Proxy host
Proxy port
Proxy Auth
Proxy username
Proxy password
NTLM domain
Domain for NTLM authentication only
Thanks again. I'm usually fairly good at solving these problems, just no luck yet with this one. The phone still shows the E up in the top status bar but the arrow turns orange whenever the phone tries to receive. Absolutely nothing is working on the data plan. I've turned the phone off, even pulled the battery to give it a definite hard boot. Still nothing.
Just put the SO sim card back into my old Nokia E71. Data works and getting 3G. I'm stumped.
9:38 am
April 6, 2010

Zed said:
Thanks for the advise. After a lot of reading and a bit of a struggle I was able to root the phone. I have now installed the app autoproxy but still I'm having no luck. It must now be in the auto proxy settings as I get an error..
Auto Proxy
Failed to start proxy.sh
(file parsing error at line 19:boleanis not parsed
file parsing error at line 19:value can't be parsed
file parsing error at line 19:unclosed section)I must have a setting wrong somewhere.
Zed, did you ever get this one solved?