1:16 pm
March 9, 2011

Ok so I dared to buy the s7 it works on rogers 2g & 3g so i am thinking no problem get my sim put it in & go …. nope so I call them they send a signal to my phone it turns on & the internet is working for 60sec now its gone again, anyone know any setting I can use
thanks in advance.
ok so I now have the internet but no apps will work how do i get youtube gmail android market maps to work on my android 2.1
here are my settings
Name--- -Speak Out
APN -----goam.com
Proxy-- -
port ----80
username wapuser1
password wap
server --not set
mmsc ----notset
mms -----proxy
mms port not set
mcc -----302
mnc -----720
Authentication -notset
apn type- not set
10:34 am
April 22, 2009

If you can get browsing working, that is about the best you can do. Speakout works through a http/https proxy, so if the application cannot work through a http/https proxy at port 80, it won't work with Speakout.
I might add, Rogers purposely set up the proxy this way so you cannot easily stream data or do VOIP.