10:47 am
November 1, 2018

i bought just a reg speak out phone from 7-11 almost a year ago, and today i texted someone, and they tried 3-4 times to text back, and i never got the texts, and they tried calling and it just went to voice mail, also scrolling across the top of my screen is EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY. whats wrong and how can i fix it please help
1:47 pm
October 14, 2008

Check you account balance to make sure you have a balance and to see if your account is not expired. Also, some phones will run out of memory, and won't be able to receive texts, although you can send them. My old phone was just like that.
When all else fails, contact SpeakOut customer service to see what's going on. Since you bought your phone from SpeakOut, they will support it.