7:14 pm
January 2, 2012

Hi Everyone,
I just received a Motorola Atrix (android-based phone, with v2.3.4 installed) for Christmas and have now hooked it up to the Speak Out Data Plan thanks to the information provided by other posters. I noticed in some of the other posts that people wanted to know what settings to use and so I thought I'd post what worked for me.
Here are the APN details (found under Settings -> Wireless & network settings -> Mobile networks):
Name: Speak Out (can be whatever you want though)
APN: goam.com
Port: 80
Username: wapuser1
Password: wap
MMS proxy:
MMS port:
MCC: 302
MNC: 720
Authentication type:
APN type:
APN protocol: IPv4
Now, I'm located in the Vancouver, BC area and so I'm not sure if the settings are the same for other parts of Canada. One other thing that I have noticed is that my data connection is a bit finicky. I've only been using it for a few days though and so maybe it's something I'm doing...
Good luck!