How to use SpeakOut SIM on iPhone 3GS?
April 16, 2010
11:28 am
11:28 am
Forum Posts: 732
Member Since:
March 10, 2010
March 10, 2010

April 16, 2010
1:11 pm
1:11 pm
Forum Posts: 732
Member Since:
March 10, 2010
March 10, 2010

It will come with a rogers SIM card. I am really not sure as to what is involved in the activation process as I bought mine used, jailbroken, and unlocked. I am quite sure that you can activate it at home through iTunes. But again, I've never done it.
On a side note, when I bought my 2G iPhone I already had my SO SIM. I tried it in two locked Rogers iPhones and neither recognized it. Started right up in my unlocked 2G though. You might want to confirm that the model you are getting will work out of the box with an SO SIM. I say this because it is quite possible that the phone you get will not be able to be unlocked.