12:18 pm
June 11, 2010

Have a recommended site? I am just new to SO and previously my cells have been provided and turn-key, so I'm clueless on what I should do now. Am mostly interested in setup for using the basic SO services, I don't have any of the "unlimited" options. Plus good downloads for making using the phone better/friendlier: I notice Nokia have some, but I don't know if their "suites" are any good. I did read that some recommend not updating the FW in the phone to the newest version...stuff like that I'd like to know, pro or con. Thanks.
3:48 pm
April 22, 2009

5:42 pm
June 11, 2010

I just want to use it for extremely occasional (almost "emergency") web access. I think that's about it. Can I do that easily using the standard service? Maybe access my regular email account, not as important though.
Sorry, I've only had the phone for almost 2 days, LOL, and though the instruction manual "steams", all the other stuff I've tried seems to work almost intuitively. Actually, using the manual slowed me down or confused me, I just tried stuff the way I normally would and it worked fine. Just didn't want to waste a lot of airtime trying stupid stuff if people had better advice...
7:09 pm
April 22, 2009

It is hard enough to access your email from Speakout browsing in the best of times. I wince at the thought of even browsing on a phone like yours. Speakout browsing is a very limited service to be blunt. Your phone choice does not help matters. Possible, yes, worthwhile, I say no.
You might need to configure your APN settings on the phone to get it to work with Speakout, unless it is a Rogers phone, where it should just work.
8:07 pm
June 11, 2010

Well, I guess I better find out what "APN" means.
I had a full-service phone/plan before, provided by work, and almost never used it. Now I don't have that. This phone is the replacement, so doesn't have to do much, or do it very often. I thought this SO service was only for extremely casual use anyway, but I guess the data plan has expanded the userbase a bit. I am more of the original SO target user type. But you never know when I might need to get some info off the web and this could be my only way...
Edit: my original Q was largely predicated on my assumption that the 5130 had some "data" access via SO at the nominal per-minute rate. For extremely occasional use. This is not so, there is no data access at all without The Plan. So CS told me. My mistake. I think it might be a good idea for SO to offer it the way I thought they did, seems like money in the bank to me considering how slow it'll be on one of the phones 7-11 sells.
9:17 pm
June 11, 2010

I'll answer myself. 😎
The way the phone has been pre-setup helps to cripple it even more. I'm not talking about data access. They just did things that make many things you may like to do with such a limited phone even more awkward.
Then there are the Nokia apps. What turds they are, defaults that are unchangeable, bloated and slow, picky, flakey. Kinda like their stuff on the web, it's all written in the same language judging by its looks and behaviour.
Yup, best avoided. Along with the manual; because of the pre-configuration some manual stuff may or may not apply. I tried the Nokia apps and wasted way too much time. Just doing stuff my own way via regular Windows PC utilities worked much better and faster. Live and learn...
That said, all the phone stuff does work, and just fine too. Get a fast microSDHC board and load it up... BTW, re that: my PC doesn't recognise all the space, but the 5130 does and my PC doesn't argue with transferring stuff well past the space limit it does acknowledge (my PC won't show past 4GB).