12:43 pm
July 3, 2011

Hey everyone.
I got an iphone 3GS from my sister who had it on the Speakout network. She got the new iphone 4 and when she gave me her old phone it wouldnt turn on past the apple logo and I was forced to restore the phone. It updated to firmware version 4.3.3 and I jailbroke the phone to get cydia and all the jazz. Today i bought a nokia phone from a 7/11 and took out the sim card and put it in the phone. It doesnt work in the iphone but it does work in the nokia phone.
If someone could please tell me how to go about fixing this it would be very very appreciated!!!
3:34 am
March 10, 2010

2:34 pm
April 26, 2011

Check the Modem Firmware in the Settings -> General -> About.
Ultrasn0w 1.2.3 supports 01.59.00 / 04.26.08 / 05.11.07 / 05.12.01 / 05.13.04 / 06.15.00 basebands
If it's not one of the above, your current option is to update the baseband to the iPad baseband 06.15.00.
If it's one of the above, go to your cydia app and install ultrasn0w.
From what you wrote, I assume you restored to the original firmware 4.3.3 with a baseband that isn't unlockable without the iPad baseband.