9:37 am
April 22, 2009

10:55 am
March 10, 2010

Unfortunately the Mail app only works over a SSL connection, which apparently Speakout isnt. What you can do is use Safari to access your inbox through Yahoo. You'll have to initially log in on your wifi network, after that you should be able to log in on 2G. In Safari, while on your inbox, press the + button, that "Add link to home page". This will put a nice yahoo mail button on your springboard that will take you directly to your mail account when pressed. One last thing, download an app called UAFaker from Cydia and activate it. This will trick Yahoo into thinking you are on wifi and will allow you to read your mail, forward, respond, etc.
11:21 am
March 10, 2010

Could be any number of reasons. More than likely they just don't have a problem with 3GS phones on the 2G network though. Why would you spend the extra cash for a fast phone just to use it on a 2G network. Or perhaps Rogers tied to block all iPhones and did a half ass job of it. Whatever the case, nobody is going to be able to give you anything more than speculation on this.
3:27 pm
May 11, 2010

well it says the 3g phone will work if you disable 3g in settings .this thread exists here on speakout so there you go it CAN work with 3G too!! anyone ??
embomer said:
I may have missed it but....will SpeakOut web browsing work with my iPhone 3GS.
I subscribed to that service yesterday but it doesn't seem to work.
5:07 pm
March 10, 2010

6:05 pm
May 23, 2010

I've been working on this for a couple of days now too with my iPhone 3G 3.1.2, unlocked and jailbroken, and don't have any success. I've used the iPhone Configuration Utility to enter all the settings, tried toggling off "Enable 3G", toggled on "Data Roaming", etc. I also get "PDP Authentication Error"
Has anybody had any luck lately with this? IThanks in advance!
1:07 pm
March 10, 2010

Really can't help much, but i'd try looking on cydia for a toggle that would disable 3g. It's possiible that the built in switch is not completely shutting it down. I don't have a 3g to experiment with, but would love to try. Unfortunately though I've still not seen anybody that has had any luck with a 3g.
11:47 am
January 4, 2009