9:25 pm
March 20, 2011
5:41 am
April 22, 2009
For the most part, if the phone is unlocked, requires a SIM card, and works with any other North American carrier, it should work with Speakout. If it works with Rogers, it has a very good chance working with Speakout. If you see a phone you like, let us know, I can give you feedback before you buy it.
5:54 am
March 20, 2011
5:06 am
March 20, 2011
5:19 am
April 22, 2009
This particular Nokia X6 phone from Amazon will do the HSDPA 850mhz and 1900 mhz 3G frequencies as well as GSM. So it is compatible with Bell/Telus 3G towers, and Rogers towers. It is also a quad band GSM phone, so it will work with T-Mobile's 2G network. It will not work with Wind or Mobilcity's native network.
There is a European version of this phone that is not as suited for North America, so be wary of that. The phone being sold on Amazon looks to be a North America version, which is nice.