12:30 am
I'm ready to go to my local 7-11 and buy a $100 airtime voucher with a free 1208. I hate all of the phones 7-11 offers. Are there any issues with me buying an unlocked GSM phone from ebay/craigslist (like the LG Rumour) and swapping the Nokia 1208 sim card with the LG Rumour SIM card??
7-11 says they don't support other phones - is this relevant?
Do I need to pick a phone with certain bands?
Can I do the same SIM swap with a Petro Can SIM and phone?
Your help is appreciated.
1:59 pm
N.America uses different GSM bands than other countries, so dual-band phones (like the ones SpeakOut sells) work just as well in N.America as a quad-bad phone. If you are planning on using your phone overseas, then you'll need a quad-band phone.
When buying a non-Speakout phone, just make sure they at least support the 850 and 1900 MHz GSM bands (the ones used here).
Yeah, a Dual-Sim phone is useful for using 2 sims at once, but probably not for you. If you are using Speakout or PetroCan or any other prepaid cell service, you don't need that for overseas trips. When you go overseas, just remove the Speakout (or whatever other company) SIM card and replace it with whatever local one you buy when you're there. You won't be able to use your SpeakOut/PetroCan/any other prepaid service SIM card overseas anyway.