2:28 am
December 6, 2010

I recently bought a Nokia 1661 on the "buy $100 of airtime and get a free phone" deal. More like, "get a free SIM card." I borrowed a Blackberry 8800 from a guy at work, subscribed to unlimited web, put the SIM card in, set the TCP to the proper settings for SO, and starting experimenting.
I could only get three apps to work:
1. Blackberry WAP browser
2. Opera Mini Browser- works 95% of the time, but once in a while service stops for an entire day for no reason, and then comes back the next day. Weird. I originally tried Opera Mini 5, but it was sluggish in the 8800 because of the older, slower processor. Opera Mini 4.2 works much, much better. Most web page scripts come in perfectly and the interface is very easy and quick to use.
3. WeatherEye – Sketchy at best. Works once in a while.
4. Google Sync – I am very excited about this one, as my BB contacts and calendar automatically sync with my Google contacts and calendar over the SO network.
My next step was to buy a Blackberry 8320 with Wi-Fi to do more testing. I scored with an $80 one on Craigslist. It turns out that almost no Blackberry made (RIM) apps will work on Wi-Fi – they need a "high level" (aka "real") data plan. Gmail, and Google Maps do not work over Wi-Fi, along with many others that I expected to work. It seems that RIM has very tight reigns on what their phones are allowed to do, even with Wi-Fi around.
The main selling feature for a Blackberry has always been push email. This feature does not work without a Blackberry data plan. However, I set up my email to forward to [number]@pcs.rogers.com. This feature does not work for us SO people – it just so happens that there is something on the Rogers network in place that sends you an SMS saying, "you have a message from [email address]. Reply 'read' to read the message." Replying "read" does not work, as the SMS will not send successfully (at least from my Blackberry). But at least it notifies me that I have a new email and I can then check it with my web browser.
Some third party apps do work with Wi-Fi:
1. Nimbuzz – app for chatting on MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger, GTalk, etc., all on the same screen.
2. Google Voice – Google based cell services, but not yet available to us Canadians. You can get around it with proxy servers (or Hotspot Shield) and some other tricks. But not that useful as far as I can tell.
3. IM+ Skype – App for Skype calling. VOIP calls over Wi-Fi are possible. However, after the trial ends, it is $30.
4. Uber Twitter – Just as it sounds. Twitter.
I will update this after I do some more experimenting. There is nothing like showing off your Blackberry to another Blackberry equipped friend and then telling him that it costs $10 per month.
8:10 am
November 11, 2010

Great job summarizing all this stuff. One question: what is the purpose of your experiments? The main advantage of BB compared to all other platforms is that the BB is "Always connected" via BIS/BES and that's how it gets Push e-mail, BBM, push on all the other apps, etc.
I am genuinely interested to know what would make somebody buy a BlackBerry (and pay 10$/month for it) without being able to use push e-mail and BBM.
You do realize how much more you can get out of this 10$ plan with virtually any other platform, right?
Don't get me wrong on that one, I love BB! If I could use one for 10-15$/month I would buy one, but currently it's just not possible.
11:44 pm
December 6, 2010

My purpose? Cost. 2G iPhones are selling for $150, for a good one. My phone cost $80. And I love Blackberrys for their serviceability (cheap parts) and durability.
Better platforms? Please elaborate. I am genuinely interested. What can you get out of the $10 data plan on better platforms? And what better platforms/phones are we talking about?
5:15 am
February 21, 2010

8:27 am
July 12, 2009

I had some additional Blackberry apps running on an 8800 I was using for SpeakOut. They were installable from the desktop manager on my computer and worked even though I didn't have the ULB plan.
Blackberry Maps will load and work with the GPS on any BBerry with a GPS. For some reason, the service book didn't load the shortcut until I borrowed a Rogers SIM and put it in the 8800. Once I put my SO SIM back, the maps were still on the main screen and still worked with the GPS. They are a big set of files, so they are best loaded on a memory card so you don't swamp the internal memory.
LogicMail works on any BBerry phone with wifi. It will let you check pretty much any POP or IMAP mail account from your BlackBerry. It only works on wifi — no matter what data plan you may have (or not have).
Caller ID Reader is also quite useful. It reads out the caller ID of incoming calls so you can decide whether to answer them or not. Some of the better Bluetooth devices offer the same service — with Caller ID Reader, you can use the phone's speaker or any wired or Bluetooth Headset.
1:10 am
December 6, 2010

I finally realized that Blackberry phones on non-RIM sanctioned plans are sort of useless. Thanks to the subtle advice of elwebmaster above. So today I bought an iPhone 3G, and now I get actual for real 3G data.
Here is the new thread:
9:55 am
August 31, 2009

mechman600 said:
I finally realized that Blackberry phones on non-RIM sanctioned plans are sort of useless. Thanks to the subtle advice of elwebmaster above. So today I bought an iPhone 3G, and now I get actual for real 3G data.
I disagree. I'm running Opera 5 on my BB 8100, which allows me to check gmail and yahoo mail through my browser and surf. I can also tether my netbook (port 80 only) while on the road and out of range of wi-fi. That's a pretty good deal for $10/month.
2:12 pm
December 6, 2010

Sure, Opera works fairly well to check Gmail and Y!Mail, but once you try an iPhone and find out that it is almost fully functional on 3G for $10/mo, you will put your Blackberry up for sale. Please read my "post-Blackberry" iPhone thread, as I have added more posts: