8:41 pm
i have a nokia 1600. i tried to set a security password and it said that my password was wrong and then locked up my phone so naturally i tried some basic numbers to guess the default password and then it locked up farther and asked me for this PUK code. what on earth is a PUK code? so again naturally i started to try getting past that and i found that any 8 digit combination that i use will get me to the next area where it says to enter my pin then i have to verify my pin again any code will work as long as i enter it the same both times but then it takes me back to the PUK code. it is an infinite loop.
i need some assistance with this issue or a phone number i can call for assistance.
im starting to regret even getting a cell phone in the first place. 🙁
8:48 pm
From the user's guide that came with your Nokia 1600 (p. 8):
Access codes
- The security code, supplied with the phone, helps to protect your phone
against unauthorized use. The preset code is 12345.
- The PIN code, supplied with the SIM card, helps to protect the card against
unauthorized use.
If you enter the PIN code incorrectly three times in succession, the SIM card is blocked. You must enter the PUK code to unblock the SIM card and set a new PIN code.
- The PIN2 code, supplied with some SIM cards, is required to access certain services.
- PUK and PUK2 codes may be supplied with the SIM card. If you enter the PIN or PIN2 code incorrectly three times in succession, you will be asked for the PUK or PUK2 code. If you do not have them, contact your local service provider.
Select Menu > Settings > Security settings to set how your phone uses the access codes and security settings.
You should call SpeakOut customer service and ask them for assistance. You might also want to see if you can find more information using Google.
7:34 pm
I had no trouble changing the PIN on both of the 1600s my wife and I use. I set PINs on the SIMs so that you have to enter the passcode every time the phone is powered on. The objective is that if the phone is lost or stolen that will make it harder for someone to use the phone.
Incidentally you can set power-on passcodes both for the phone itself as well as for the SIM (or even both.) I set only the latter so that a thief couldn't just move my SIM to another phone.
4:55 pm
Bylo said
Incidentally you can set power-on passcodes both for the phone itself as well as for the SIM (or even both.) I set only the latter so that a thief couldn't just move my SIM to another phone.
How did you set the passcodes for the SIM?
I was only able to activate the PIN Code request to ON/OFF to control whether I enter the PIN at when the phone is first turned on.
I tried setting the Security Level to either Memory or Phone, but neither one seems to do anything. I never get asked for any PIN even if I add or delete phone book entries.
8:25 pm
How did you set the passcodes for the SIM?
From the Nokia User Guide that came with the phone:
Access codes
- The security code, supplied with the phone, helps to protect your phone
against unauthorized use. The preset code is 12345.
- The PIN code, supplied with the SIM card, helps to protect the card against
unauthorized use...Select Menu > Settings > Security settings to set how your phone uses the access
codes and security settings.
I can't remember the specific procedure I used and all I have with me right now is my Moto KRZR.
6:09 am
FAQ #31
Bylo and Peter, consider this scenario:
A PIN is set for Mrs. Bylo's SO phone to protect the SIM.
Mrs. Bylo lost her phone.
The finder figures out this is a 7-11 SO SIM, google takes him to this site. Reading FAQ #31, he wants to know the number of the SIM.
Someone calls Mrs. Bylo. The finder answered: "This is not Mrs. Bylo. What number are you call?". The caller gives the finder the number of Mrs. Bylo's phone.
The finder calls Customer Service, explains that he was playing with the phone and accidentally entered a few wrong PINs.
Customer Service gives the finder the PUK.
The finder is now home free.
8:56 am
A clarification for the FAQ: The PIN in this case belongs to the SIM(*) so it doesn't matter what phone you are using or where you got it.
The PUK is also associated with the SIM so once SO gives it you, write it down and keep it in a safe place in case you need it again.
@starter, I don't know what else SO uses to verify the caller. I called 611 from my phone, also on SO. I told the operator that the locked SIM was my wife's, that we had both got our phones/SIMs at the same time and that we had our phone numbers ported from BM at the same time. If the operator verified that, then she would know my call was legitimate.
But you do raise a good point about how someone might be able to get the PUK for a stolen phone. The PIN/PUK mechanism may not be perfect but it's better than not using a PIN at all. Besides, if you lose your phone then you should call SO right away and ask them to invalidate the lost SIM and transfer remaining airtime to a new SIM (for which they charge $25 IIRC.)
(*)You can also set a PIN on the phone, but it alone isn't very useful because a thief could just move the SIM to another phone. I don't know what happens if you make too many attempts on the phone's PIN and if you get locked out. The answer probably depends on the phone.
11:03 pm
Hi there,
Bought a new phone+SIM today, do not need a phone so put the SIM into my smartphone and decided to turn SIM's pin ON (do not want to give someone stealing my phone a lot of fun) I did read the thread carefully and even with this it was not fast and easy, there is no information about what is the default PIN. It allows 5 attempts and I matched on 5th one: it is 1234
RE: The preset code is 12345. - this is about phone code, not about PIN, as soon as PIN is 4 digits only.
Right, to get the PIN2 and PUK one has to call CS, but having PIN changed from default and ON it will be very unlikely required.
2:46 pm
John said:
Can anyone else confirm the default PIN is 1234? I have a Nokia 1208, SO would not give me the PIN when I called them. I just want to prevent anyone from using my phone / going through my contacts if I leave it sitting on a table or whatever.
I just bought a SO 1208, and asked for the default PIN. The agent gave me the default security code (12345) and a friendly but stern and scripted lecture on how it isn't SO's fault if I brick my phone. She also said they don't have PINs.
On the other hand, searching through Nokia's (generally poor) web pages offers this:
If you have forgotten your security code, or the security code is not working on your Nokia phone, please try the following:
The factory default security code is 12345. The default PIN Code is 1234. If you entered a wrong code three or more consecutive times, the phone may switch to a "sleep mode" and not accept any entries for the next 15 minutes. Please power the phone off, then back on, and let it sit idle or untouched for 15 minutes, then try again. If your security code still does not work, contact your Service Provider or submit your phone so it may be inspected for repair. Repair instructions and locations.
(go to
and select Security Code in the drop down)
Note that this advice is generic and I am not responsible if you trash your phone.
Fewer people would trash their phones if SO had better documentation, though.
12:37 pm
June 11, 2010

Just thought I'd add a little update. I got a new never-used 7-11 Nokia 5130 a few days ago. The manual section quoted in post #19 doesn't apply re the default codes, at least for this model, and they're not given in the current manual. The security code and PIN are not set by default. However, PIN2 is set and turned ON. Apparently SO uses PIN2 to control features/access and other things that are pre-setup and they don't want you to change. CS wouldn't give me the PIN2 code. I am not sure if they'd give it out to anybody, no reason why you would need it if using SO services with an SO phone, much as we'd like to have it anyway... PUKs are still available ONLY when needed, like if you changed the PIN and forgot it=locked out.
Note that things may have changed in the year+ since the last post and 2+ years since the OP re PIN2 since SO's services have changed and the phones became locked too.