3:30 pm
July 22, 2010

Hi, I've been using Speakout on a Nokia E63 for a while now but really wanting to upgrade to an iPhone as I find the Nokia very confusing and annoying. I don't care about having the newest model, I just find Apple products in general more user friendly.
I understand 3G and 3GS both work - someone correct me if I'm wrong?
I am also wondering if someone can advise the best place to purchase the phone.
Do I absolutely need a Rogers or Fido branded unlocked iPhone for Speakout to work? (Please note I am NOT tech savvy so doing a lot of jailbreaking etc might be problematic for me unless very straightforward.)
I have seen AT&T branded unlocked iPhones on Newegg.ca and some mystery unlocked ones (carrier not specified) on Factorydirect.ca.... the prices are good but I am hesitant to buy unless I know for sure they won't give me problems. Buying a used phone through Craigslist or Kiiji makes me even more nervous so prefer not to take that route.
Or should I just buy a 3GS from Rogers directly to be on the safe side? I assume the savings from not being on a monthly plan would make it worthwhile...
If anyone has any thoughts on this I would really appreciate it. I am in the Toronto area so if there are stores to buy in person I can do that too. Thanks
4:02 pm
December 30, 2010

4:12 pm
July 22, 2010

I don't know! I thought so too but then I read there was some issue with upgrades and having to understand the whole jailbreaking thing... see here:
Is this a serious issue that I should be concerned about?
Or could I go with the Newegg or Factorydirect phones? Am still confused about what Newegg means when they say "for AT&T service only" - does that mean I need to be with AT&T for it to work? Seems confusing since they're selling on Newegg's Canadian site!
4:20 pm
December 30, 2010

oh. so it sounds like upgrade would 'relock' it ? need to wait for the experts then.
For me, I just refuse to upgrade. That is my personal practice on anything though. I don't like any of my programs upgrade unless I really want to.
It said AT&T only so it doesn't sound like an unlocked version but locked to AT&T. It may still work on Rogers if your sim is AT&T and in that case, it is roaming(expensive).
3:58 am
March 10, 2010

You have asked a number of good questions so I'll address them individually...
"I understand 3G and 3GS both work – someone correct me if I'm wrong?"
iPhone 2G, 3G, 3Gs and 4G will all work on Speakout. The 2G model was only available through AT&T, so it would need to be unlocked. The 3G models were once blocked from SO via their IMEI number, however that block has been lifted. I have seen the odd case where a user has been unable to get a 3G to connect to Speakout Data though. 3GS and 4G models will both work fine.
"Do I absolutely need a Rogers or Fido branded unlocked iPhone for Speakout to work? (Please note I am NOT tech savvy so doing a lot of jailbreaking etc might be problematic for me unless very straightforward.)"
Unless the user is decently "Tech Savy", I would recommend getting a Rogers branded phone. The world of "Jailbreaking" is constantly changing and at any given time, one click in iTunes could leave you with a phone that is locked and unusable (until the next jailbreak). Apple does some pretty shady things with this, and if your phone "glitches", you are forced to upgrade to the newest (un-jailbreakable) software.
"I have seen AT&T branded unlocked iPhones on Newegg.ca and some mystery unlocked ones (carrier not specified) on Factorydirect.ca…. the prices are good but I am hesitant to buy unless I know for sure they won't give me problems. Buying a used phone through Craigslist or Kiiji makes me even more nervous so prefer not to take that route.
Or should I just buy a 3GS from Rogers directly to be on the safe side? I assume the savings from not being on a monthly plan would make it worthwhile…"
AT&T phones will work fine but will require a jailbreak. In Toronto I would suggest going the Kijiji/Craigslist route. Just look for ads that look like they are written by a real person that contain real pics. Meet in person in a public place and you shouldn't have a problem. I've bought several iPhones this way. If still uncomfortable, consider buying the factory unlocked 3GS from Apple over a Rogers 3GS. Factory unlocked iPhones are NOT jailbroken, and they will stay unlocked even with system upgrades.
6:07 am
April 8, 2011

11:55 am
July 22, 2010

Thanks guys for all of the input - definitely think I'll just go the direct-from-Apple route.
Question - is it worth it to get the iPhone 4 when using SpeakOut? I see that the 5G is due out next (maybe summer, maybe fall) and I don't want the 3GS to become out of date and unsupported... but at the same time if there are 4G features that aren't going to work on SO anyway then I will not bother. I know the sim card needs to be cut which would be a bit of a hassle... plus the 3GS is $100 cheaper obviously!
Mainly I want a phone to use for texting, email, taking photos, and occasional social media use (whereby I'd want to be able to upload my phone photos). Oh and the email I want to be able to access through the mail app not the browser. I use Google apps mail (gmail) so will this be possible?
If anyone has any thoughts on which version would suit my needs best that would be great. Really want an iPhone but don't want to have to get into a contract situation and hope I can make this work with Speakout and save myself a bundle of money!
1:13 pm
April 22, 2009

Unless you are getting a really good deal on the 3GS, get the iPhone 4. The display of the iPhone is a lot better, and the front facing camera is nice. Video with Skype in particular is pretty cool, even though you would be using wifi. It is faster also.
As for something better coming out, yeah, that is gonna happen, but it will drive you nuts thinking that way. As long as what you get what suits your needs, it will be good enough. Besides, Apple does a really good job of supporting their phones, You will have quite a few years of support.
3:51 am
March 10, 2010

Wifi is what you are using at home if you have a wireless network. Since your home network is generally faster than 3G data, your iphone will default to wifi whenever it is available. Also, it is important to note that the iPhone 4's "Facetime" feature is only usable over wifi. But, as far as I can tell, the Facetime feature will not activate over Speakout.
Speakouts $10 data plan will get you one months access to the internet pretty much anywhere you are. There are some limitations due to the proxy that is used, but for the most part it works quite nicely, especially when you consider the price. Be aware that Youtube, messaging apps, and all notification services are for the most part unusable over Speakout.