12:43 pm
December 30, 2010

4:51 am
September 22, 2012

Hey guys, I have a Samsung Galaxy Gio GT-S5660M on Gingerbread 2.3.4. I was on Virgin and switched to Speakout, but the data plan did not work. I was trying to follow these instructions and it was damned confusing. I have figured it out, and have added a couple of steps to clarify this.
A. Root the Phone:
You will require “superuser” access. This link works for many Android models. When you are finished the access should automatically be on and working.
Detailed instructions are found here for various models:
Note: Samsung Kies doesn’t recognize my phone, so I transferred the file to my SD card with the USB cable. The Kies Air app also works but more steps are required.
B. Phone Configuration:
1. On your Android phone go to Settings > Wireless and Networks > Mobile Networks > Access Point Names.
2. Select New APN (via Menu button) and insert settings and values as show below:
• Name: Speakout
• APN: goam.com
• Proxy:
• Port: 80
• Username: wapuser1
• Password: wap
• Server: (Leave it blank)
• MMSC: http://mms.gprs.rogers.com
• MMS Proxy:
• MMS Port: 80
• MCC: 302
• MNC: 720
• Authentication Type: None
• APN type: Internet + MMS
• Save the new APN profile (Menu button)
Important: Now select this profile for your connection by touching the radio button to turn it green.
C. Proxy Configuration
Now download ProxyDroid version 2.6.1 by Max Lv direct (FREE) from Android Market and install it. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.proxydroid&hl=en
Once installed insert values as follows, leaving other fields blank. You need to udate these three fields prior to checking off the Proxy Switch box.
• Proxy Host:
• Proxy Port: 80
• Proxy Type: http
• Proxy Switch: Checked (green)
PS, I unlocked my phone easily with a code I purchased here, before switching to Speak Out: http://www.cellunlocker.net. You can unlock it yourself, but that was too complicated for me to do with my Macbook. It cost about $30 to purchase the code.
8:56 am
January 7, 2013

I have a HTC Panache from Mobilicity and I switched to SO and subscribed the unlimited browsing. I set up the APN as described here and asked CS to redo my activation. It still does not work. Do I have to tell CS what kind of phone I use? Do I have to root the phone to make it work? I am not a tech person. Would that be any risk if I did something wrong to make the phone not working? Please help to set the unlimited browsing to work.
9:30 am
April 22, 2009

Pearl: I think it is your phone. From what I can see on the specs, it does not look like it can do Speakout's 3G frequencies, only Mobilicity's. The GSM 2G seems to work, but I do not know if that is configured properly.
Speakout will not be of any use to you on this matter, because they do not support 3rd party phones, nor should they. The only thing I can say is try the Speakout SIM on a phone that is known to work with Speakout browsing, and if that works, you have problem with the Panache
5:14 pm
April 22, 2009

Other Mobilicity phones seem to be able to support Rogers and Bell networks when unlocked, it just seems your HTC Panache is at issue. Most Wind/Mobiltcity phones tend to be penta band phones, which work on any Canadian cellular network provider that takes a SIM card. The HTC Panache seems to be the exception.
And I really do not even know if your Panache is at fault, maybe the Speakout SIM in incorrectly configured. You would have to test your SIM card on a Rogers phone, or any phone that works with other Speakout SIM cards to make sure.
If you are in the market for another phone, Rogers phones tend to just work out of the box with Speakout. Other phones might need to be unlocked and APN settings need to be programmed.
8:26 am
March 12, 2009

Pearl, you didn't say whether your phone is unlocked. Does the plain old telephone function work?
Even so, as mentioned, this phone doesn't seem to have the correct frequencies.
Any phone from Rogers will work. Otherwise, it has to be unlocked. I got a nice unlocked smartphone from a private cell phone store. They sell older models, refurbs, trade-ins, etc. Otherwise, these items are crazy expensive.
You might also check Factory Direct as a source of unlocked phones:
5:46 pm
December 30, 2010

my advice is, describe your problem more properly. I have a problem understand what works or doesn't work.
does voice/sms work ? if it does, it has nothing to do with lock/unlock, we can forget about that.
if voice/sms work and data doesn't, it can only boils down to :
1. wrong APN setting OR
2. SO config issue
Now whether it connect in 3G/2G depends on if you have the compatible band with Rogers 3G. Most AWS phone has, but there are exceptions. This however only affect speed and nothing else and has nothing to do with works or doesn't work.
9:08 pm
January 8, 2013

I have a petro canada sim card and am using Nexus S and Htc One X.
I configured the setting to the following:
Name: PC
APN: goam.com
Port: 80
Username: wapuser1
Password: wap
MMSC: http://mms.gprs.rogers.com
MMS Proxy:
MMS Port: 80
MCC: 302
MNC: 720
Authentication Type:
APN type: default,supl,mms
APN Protocol: IPv4
I can see the H and 3G icon on the status bar and it keeps switching between the two every second. However I do not have access to internet.
Is there anything I have done wrong?
Thanks for your help.
10:07 am
December 30, 2010

2:08 pm
November 23, 2009

3:17 pm
November 23, 2009

4:56 pm
February 15, 2013

I recently got a Rogers branded HTC Magic. It works for calls just fine, but I can't get browsing to work.
I've followed the steps in this thread, Phone is rooted, ProxyDroid installed and settings entered, Access Point settings also entered.
I phoned Customer Service to get the data reset, but they didn't seem to know what I was talking about. He said he'd try something, but that doesn't seem to have helped either.
2:39 pm
March 19, 2013

wup said:
Accidentally messed up the phone trying to get Data to work. Bought another one, unlocked through FASTGSM took literally seconds, rooted the phone, downloaded auto proxy entered APN posted here called Speakout to reset. All said in done 20 minutes start to finish and everything working fine!!!
Hey, I have the exact same problem. I added unlimited browsing last night , entered all the APN settings and it doesnt work. I never received a txt message either. I called SO they reset it and it still didnt work.
What does auto proxy have to do with getting your browsing add-on to work?
5:17 pm
July 18, 2011

One additional hint, along with proxydroid installation install droid wall as well.
This will allow you to pick what apps can use wifi and 3g individually. Although you will want to note once activated any new application installed must be granted access. Also after picking the which apps have access you need to save the rules first (do not choose activate firewall until you have saved the rules.
1:47 pm
August 15, 2010

I have been using proxy droid for a few months, and I notice a few things:
- When I am on data with proxy droid on, my battery dies very quickly. I turned off any/all sync options I can find (gmail, fb etc..), and a fully charge battery only last 5 hours with minimal activities, compare to 24 hours when I set data to off/wifi. Does anyone have similar experience and how do you resolve it?
- Can I turn on/off proxy droid automatically when I m switch between wifi/data network? There is an auto connection option but I could not figure out how it works.
9:40 am
August 4, 2012

I use ProxyDroid on a Nexus and I do not experience that issue. Usually last about two to three days just fine. However I'm not a heavy user. And I do notice Proxy Droid drain battery slightly more then not having it.
You can turn on automatic switching by turn on auto connect and have it bound to 2G/3G on the option right underneath it.