11:01 am
March 21, 2011

tinotelli said:
Well I emailed speakout and get this: it will be the C3 and it is shipping now! Also this is a quote from the email:
Includes First 2 months (2500 outgoing text package PLUS unlimited data a $40 value FREE)!
Right now thru the end of April you can get this handset for 50% off the regular retail of $119 with purchase of $100 SpeakOut airtime!
Would you happen to have a copy of the email you received from Speakout? Did it say that the 2 month promo was in effect now?
I bought a C3 yesterday and activated and saw your post today. I just called and spoke to Speakout and they said the 2 month promotion doesn't start until April 1st. If your email doesn't state that I'd like to try and get Speakout to honour that promo effective now.
5:29 pm
October 14, 2008

7:05 am
November 18, 2010

Don't count on it.
I'm still not counting on it, but got answer to my question in 24 hours & will pick one up next week and hopefully confirm......
Rich you would be able to view videos on youtube.com.
askspeakout ... From: 7 Eleven SpeakOut Wireless
> Comments: I'm currently on SpeakOut with Nokia Eclipse, it won't
> youtube vids... is the new Nokia C3 able to stream youtube videos on
> SpeakOut network?
8:43 am
November 18, 2010

typoprone said:
Tried to buy $100 airtime along with the Nokia C3 today. The woman scanned the phone and told me it doesn't qualify for the 50% discount promo. What's up with that???
She must have made a mistake ...I phoned the 7-11 near me just to verify, and they assured me the C3 is 50 % of with the 100 voucher purchase. Also on the SpeakOut homepage it says 50% off any phone.
8:20 pm
April 1, 2011

Actually I'm having the same problem. I went to THREE 7-11's today to buy the C3, and all 3 rang it up with the $100 airtime voucher and the 50% discount didn't come off. I told them to look at the poster that they have on their own front door to explain, but they said that if the discount doesn't come off on the register even after the $100 voucher is rung in, then there is nothing they can do. They don't have the ability to manually adjust anything. Ridiculous. I called the Customer Service, but they are just as useless. They said they would call the store to straighten them out and then call me back, but of course I've heard nothing.
Why don't they sell this online? Makes way more sense, than trusting their product to store employee's who don't know their a$$ from their elbow.
7:03 am
April 22, 2009

7:41 pm
December 30, 2009

i just bought the c3 and 100 air time.
first, it did not automatically ring in @ 50% off. the clerk knew that he had to over ride the price and apply the 50%discount.
second, i asked to split the 100 airtime into two vouchers, 50 + 50, and this was not a problem.
looks decent for texting, and since i went in to buy air time anyway, it seemed like a worthwhile time to upgrade.
siddiquiam said:
Hi I bought a Nokia C3 yesterday. Still could not figure out how to make a phone call. Can I dial a number without first adding to the contcats/ addressbook?
2:14 pm
January 25, 2011

Hi everyone, i hope someone can help me. I picked up the C3 and love it, however their is one problem. When trying to set up mail or download mail I keep getting the error message (Communication Error Try again). Not sure what to do, SO support said exchange it. FYI I do have the data plan. One thing I did notice is that when sending mail or using twitter the time is off by 1 hr? not sure if it means anything.
12:52 pm
April 5, 2011

1:50 pm
October 14, 2008

eternal.alchemy said:
I just bought a C3...how can I get the two months of free data/texting with my existing sim card? I asked at the store, and they told me that it was only for new customers.
What they told you at the store is BS. Give SpeakOut customer service a call. They're the only ones who can get this rectified.
2:34 pm
April 4, 2011

eternal.alchemy said:
I just bought a C3...how can I get the two months of free data/texting with my existing sim card? I asked at the store, and they told me that it was only for new customers.
Call the customer service. I bought it before April, the guy was very nice and gave me the 2 months promotion
2:47 pm
April 5, 2011

11:26 pm
October 16, 2010

Hi, does anyone know how the $40 bonus is being applied ("+$40 BONUS INCLUDES Unlimited data & 2500 outgoing text pkg. for the first 2 months FREE")? I am guessing it would turn any $100 voucher into a $140, and you're outta luck if you break down the voucher? I currently have $80 left, so I wouldn't want to activate any voucher until a little later.
Also, if that's the case, would the $140 be on the voucher as long as it's bought by April 30 without actually needing to be activated by April 30?
Thanks & Cheers!
…Or, if I finish reading 2 posts previous, I can just call customer service!
But, really, is this how they're implementing it? By calling customer service? The promo ad doesn't state that; it states a $40 bonus, not a $40 value. I'm getting one tomorrow, if it's that easy and not requiring a voucher activation!
6:08 pm
April 13, 2011

So I know people have sort of asked this already, but I still don't completely understand how this bonus $40 (or 2 months free data and texting) is added. I just bought the new phone with the $100 airtime. Now I want to put the sim card from my old phone into this phone and still get the bonus. Will the bonus be added when I add the $100 airtime voucher? Or will it only go on when I activate my new sim or something? Also, I already have airtime on my old sim including the texting plan that automaticaly renews itself, so if I did add the bonus would I be paying for 2 texting plans at the same time?? or would the bonus just go on as $40 airtime? Hope this wasn't too confusing! But basically I don't understand how the bonus gets added and I don't know how I would go about asking customer service all that stuff in a way that makes sense, so i'm hoping someone here has already done this and knows what i'm talking about. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!!