9:10 am
November 1, 2011

Hello, I think this is the correct forum to post my advice request... If I goofed please let me know...
I have been with SpeakOut since 2009 and LOVE it. I currently use an older Samsung SGH-E870, which is a nice minimalist simple flip phone. I also own a Jail-broken 32gb iPod Touch 2G. I love having my music with me all day.
Problem is, I hate carrying bulky stuff in my pockets (devices + wallet, keys, etc). I would like to condense my phone and music player. Any suggestions?
I was wondering if I should splurge and buy an unlocked iPhone 3GS, 4G, or try the Android phones. I don't want to spend a lot of money, but will if I need to.
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate your advice!
9:35 am
April 22, 2009

I am partial to Nokia phones, but I would prefer you get an iPhone, just so you have less configuration headaches.
If you are on a budget, there are quite a few Nokia E71 phones being sold on Kijiji for a good price. If you get a Rogers branded E71, it will just work with Speakout. It is not bulky either. You can get a good music player for it also.
Android phones are great, and I would recommend on if you were not using it with Speakout Data. The Android OS does not like a proxy all that much, of wheich Speakout uses, and a lot of configuration is required to get apps working with Speakout.
12:00 pm
June 3, 2011

Well, I still like my little Huawei U8100 that I bought from Wind 11 months ago (although it's maybe due for replacement soon?) You haven't said what your budget is but it's available for $120 outright now. Being from Wind it's primarily an AWS 1700/2100 phone but it does also work on SpeakOut/Rogers in 2G Edge.
It has the added advantage that you could switch to Wind at some time in the future if you decide you want full Data service.
The disadvantage is that it comes locked to Wind, so you'd either have to sign-on with them for 3 months 'till they give you the unlock code, or else you'd have to get it yourself from a 3rd party.
5:47 pm
November 1, 2011

Thanks for the tips all. I have not heard of the Huawei U8100… I will look into it. It does seem that I will probably have to bite the bullet and get the iPhone though. I was not aware of the configuration headaches with Android. I have also come to enjoy the relative freedom that a Jailbroken device affords.