2:21 pm
August 31, 2009

I just bought a Rogers Nokia C3 for my wife to use on SpeakOut, and I simply can't get Wifi to work, and the only web access I can get is through the WAP browser (on the $10 browsing plan).
Can someone let me know what the the appropriate "access point" and web settings are? It's a nasty spaghetti monster of configuration menus that I just can't get to work right -- for the first time ever, I'm admitting defeat.
7:16 am
May 2, 2009

I have used the wifi on my C3 in various places, and I can't say that I've had to change any settings or parameters. I just select the wifi icon, and then it lists the access points it sees. In public locations, I have selected whatever unsecured and free access point I could find. Some of those require a separate login, or accepting of terms and conditions. This has worked for me in airports, libraries, coffee shops, and also on my home (secured) wifi.
What exactly are you seeing, or not seeing? When you select the wifi icon, do you see a list of available access points? Or nothing at all, or what??
8:48 am
December 30, 2010

for most wifi(say home) that requires key, just follow the screen and it should work.
for hotspot, it is a hit and miss. I am in a hotel which would direct me to a agree term page before allowing access and it fails on my C3. I have no problem using it at vancouver/toronto airport which works in similar ways.
It really depends on how these hotspot are implemented. normal wifi(home, secured/unsecured) should work without any issue, at least for web browsing.
9:00 pm
August 31, 2009

chimpanzee said:
for most wifi(say home) that requires key, just follow the screen and it should work.
It really depends on how these hotspot are implemented. normal wifi(home, secured/unsecured) should work without any issue, at least for web browsing.
It finds my wifi router and I can cheerfully enter a password. It confirms the connection but times out when I try to use it with the browser, opera mini or anything else. From the cellular side of things, the WAP browser works via edge, but everything else times out (mail, the ovi store, etc).
What entries do you have under the Connectivity and Configuration settings of your phone?
8:35 am
May 2, 2009

Just to further add to the sometimes "hit or miss" success of wifi connections...
This morning I happened to be having breakfast at a McDonalds here in Winnipeg. There was a sign on the door that said "Free wifi". When I did a wifi search, it found "BELLWIFI@MCDONALDS". I tried to connect, but got a "Communications Error" message. When I looked at "Details", it lists the MAC address of the access point, and the channel being used. Unfortunately, the "Communications Error" message is not of much use when trying to understand what is wrong, and what, if anything, we users can do about it.
9:23 pm
May 2, 2009

Two weeks ago, I reported having w-fi access problems at a McDonalds restaurant, which has started offering free wi-fi access. This evening, I went to a different McDonalds and tried again. Exactly the same problem! The C3 reported a "communications Error" about 15 seconds after attempting the connection but gave no clues as to what it didn't like about the access point.
I'm going to try a few things:
- Go to McDonalds with a netbook, and try to connect. Assuming I'm successful, the Windows wi-fi software may give additional clues about why the C3 doesn't like this connection.
- Try going onto one of the Nokia forums, to see if this has been discussed by other users.
- See if there is any posted info on the web about "BELLWIFI@MCDONALDS" that might help.
6:29 am
May 2, 2009

Follow-up to my previous postings about trying to use the McDonalds wi-fi with my C3:
- I did do a bit of surfing to see if there were other reported problems with that site, or special instructions. There is a web page at the McDonalds web site, which has good detail on how to use their wi-fi service, but there were no special tricks.
- I tried a few more times to access the McDonalds wi-fi, and a couple of those times, the phone reset during the process(!), which suggests to me that there's a problem with the phone firmware.
- Then, I tried turning off the phone, and then turning it on while I was at a McDonalds. When the phone is booting up, it does some kind of wi-fi search, and this time, it found and logged into the access point with no problem. I saved the settings, and since then, I have not had problems using wi-fi at any other McDonalds.
So, if you are having problems using wi-fi with your C3, try shutting it off, and then restarting the phone while you are in range of the access point. It might make a difference.
(I'm assuming that there may be a firmware upgrade in the future, which will fix this issue. My phone has version 04.60, dated 31-08-10, RM-614.)