1:22 pm
April 22, 2009

I am not an owner of a C3, but if it is anything like my Bell Nokia 2730, there is a good chance the C3 phone is double locked. Which means not only is the carrier settings locked, the APN settings could be locked also. It probably does not mean much to you if you use the phone in Canada though. It is a GSM phone, which means it can only work on Rogers towers anyway, and the phone and data works fine with all Canadian GSM carriers.
12:59 pm
April 4, 2011

bridonca said:
I am not an owner of a C3, but if it is anything like my Bell Nokia 2730, there is a good chance the C3 phone is double locked. Which means not only is the carrier settings locked, the APN settings could be locked also. It probably does not mean much to you if you use the phone in Canada though. It is a GSM phone, which means it can only work on Rogers towers anyway, and the phone and data works fine with all Canadian GSM carriers.
Yes it is locked. I cannot see the APN settings. But I want to upgrade the phone, it needs "Reset to factory settings" first. Then the APN settings will lost. What I should set it after upgrade?
1:51 pm
April 22, 2009

OK, I see. You will lose your user settings, not the carrier settings when you upgrade. A lot of people have upgraded the C3 firmware, and I never heard of APN issues after the upgrade. As I have never done an upgrade, I cannot be certain, though from what I hear, it should be a non issue and just work with a more stable C3 phone.
9:46 am
April 4, 2011

bridonca said:
OK, I see. You will lose your user settings, not the carrier settings when you upgrade. A lot of people have upgraded the C3 firmware, and I never heard of APN issues after the upgrade. As I have never done an upgrade, I cannot be certain, though from what I hear, it should be a non issue and just work with a more stable C3 phone.
Thank you bridonca. I finally decide to upgrade the firmware. Then I got a dictionary, intant mesaages and multi-task and unlimited Java program features. Everything is fine. But I lost the Internet setting. I cannot use the the Speakout Internet. I'm looking to set up the Packey data settings now.
3:29 pm
December 30, 2010

9:12 am
April 4, 2011

chimpanzee said:
out out curiosity, how can you get multitasking ? I though S40 based phone can't have that ?
Spent a whole day between Nokia support and Speakout support, they still cannot help me config the Internet settings. Finally I set up it by Rogers settings from google searching.
Yes. C3-00 can use multi-task. Need some hacking
10:01 am
December 30, 2010

2:48 pm
April 4, 2011

chimpanzee said:
do you mind to share the hack or a lead of what to search for google on this hack ? though given my locked down firmware of 4.6, I may not be use it anyway.
Yes. if you give me your email. You can search the lastest firmware "C3-00_RM-614_CareDP_19.00_NDT_SW08.63 ", download and flash it by USB cable. Even customize built-in software. for APN, you can use the personal settings.
11:00 am
April 23, 2011

netyang said:
chimpanzee said:
do you mind to share the hack or a lead of what to search for google on this hack ? though given my locked down firmware of 4.6, I may not be use it anyway.
Yes. if you give me your email. You can search the lastest firmware "C3-00_RM-614_CareDP_19.00_NDT_SW08.63 ", download and flash it by USB cable. Even customize built-in software. for APN, you can use the personal settings.
Hi Netyang, I have the Nokia C3-00 with firmware 07.20 on it. I've been looking for "C3-00_RM-614_CareDP_19.00_NDT_SW08.63" firmware but couldn't find it anywhere. Can you please let me know where you found it. I'll PM you my email after this post. Thanks
3:29 pm
December 30, 2010

7:54 am
April 4, 2011

dma7843 said:
Please help. Google Map and Opera Mini work well over WiFi on my C3. I cannot get these apps to work over my SO data plan. The WAP browser works fine. Do I need to push a .prov file to configure a proxy server on my Nokia phone?
Don't know what your settings. All apps should work for both include youtube.