3:16 pm
January 4, 2012

Hi everyone,
Wanted to get SO for a long time. So got it this Christmas...However, I am only getting EDGE on my Google nexus one and was wondering if I could get 3G speed. I know its not officially supported, but would be nice to get it. I setted up my phone using the settings from the sticky post. BTW I am in GTA. But tried in down town Toronto too, with no success. Any help would be appreciated!!
5:33 pm
October 14, 2008

8:46 pm
January 4, 2012

iamdrumming said:
Did you try the settings found on the official SpeakOut site? Not sure if they are the same ones you're using now.
The setting I am using currently in ACCESS POINT
Name Speak Out
APN goam.com
Port 80
Username wapuser1
Password wap
MMS proxy
MMS port 80
MCC 302
MNC 720
APN type
APN protocol IPv4
8:52 pm
January 4, 2012

jyxent said:
Do you know what carrier the phone is originally from? If it is from Mobilicity or T-Mobile, then 2g is all that will work on SO, as it would only support the AWS bands for 3g.
Hmm. I think you are right it comes in two version. Mine must be T-mobile compatible HSDPA 900 / 1700 / 2100