7:04 pm
My Nokia 2760 comes equipped with three games - Miki's World, Snake EX2 and Phantom Spider. I have managed to master the first two by experimenting with them at some length, but Phantom Spider remains a mystery, no matter how many times I read the instructions and how much experimenting I do.
The instructions that come with the 2760 are baffling, and I've searched the internet but can't find a full detailed description of the Phantom Spider game anywhere. Can anybody help me find a set of instructions suitable for a game novice like myself?
12:28 am
Well Phantom Spider is really easy once you know how to play it.
1. Go into the game by clicking : Start mission.
2. Push the middle black button to shoot the spiders. (kill the big spider it will turn to 2 smaller ones. The the 2 smallers ones will turn into 4 even smaller ones. Then kill them all and you'll win the mission.)
3. After beating them you get this "eye" thing
4. Click continue and then click "Eyes List".
5. Push down when you reach the screen with circle colors. Select "Equip" and then select Pilot.
6. Battle again and again to get more "eyes". (battling will make your equiped "eye" stronger but ONLY if you win the mission.)
7. Later in the game you can combine "eyes" ex. Cystal (purple) and Water (Blue) = Cystal Water (purple and blue).
8. Cheats : to not get damaged in game play when fighting spiders go to the bottom left corner and hold down the black button. You wont get hit.
Hope this will help.
4:18 pm
I think earth makes you faster or your shield stronger or more life. Probably...
As I can remember, earth-christal can give you a shiled in the fight: hold down the fire button and when released it makes a yellow line in front of you, that cannot be shot through by the spiders.
Hope I have helped
M said:
I don't get what some of the eyes do.
Crystal protects you in some way I guess. Earth completely baffles me. And I cant figure out the earth + crystal combination.
Can someone explain it please?
2:30 am
Thanks for the cheats guys! I'm recently addicted to this game 🙂 The only hint I can offer is this; If you only combine eyes with like elements (water+water, crystal+crystal) you can keep combining them. I have a crystal eye thats at 84 firepower. They also start to glow once you get the fire power above 60. I'm trying to max them out at 99 before combining. You can use them to make them stronger but if you lose a mission you lose your eye!
Hope this helps 🙂