3:45 am
December 7, 2009
Just won a 2 weeks old Palm Pre on eBay without really wanting it since I already used a iTouch with my Wifi at home and work to get my e-mail, set-up my calendar and use my Skyscape for work applications. I know skycape just got developped on the Pre so that's why I was looking for a good deal and I got one even if it's just luxury because my iTouch was doing the job and I don't need the cellphone and internet forfait but I liked the Camera and WebOS which I find magnificiant.
I bought this from a guy in Vancouver who got a iPhone with a contract and which girlfriend bought him a Palm Pre for gift with no contract and clean ESN. If I want to used the Palm Pre only for the calendar, download an App with Wifi and use the camera, what can I do if I don't want to subscribe for a contract?
Can I make it work without having to sign with Bell? Will I be able to use it in 2 months when Bell lose their exclusivity? Do I need to unlock it? Or Should I sell it since it's almost brand new in open box?
What can I do, I'm a cellphone newb, complete newb, thanks for explaining the options out there.
8:32 am
October 21, 2008
First off, is it is Bell Palm Pre (CDMA), or a Sprint Palm Pre (CDMA), or some European Palm Pre (GSM)?
If it's a European (GSM) Palm Pre, then you're probably all set. Even if it does need a SIM, then you can get a cheap Speakout sim and put it in.
But it's most like a CDMA Palm Pre. Bell will activate it under a monthly plan if it is a Bell Palm Pre, not a Sprint one. I doubt you can get it set up under a prepaid plan, but you might be able to, if you sweet talk a Bell employee.
As far as a 3yr contract goes, that doesn't apply to you since you already own the phone. You're not getting a subsidized phone, so they cannot put you under a 3yr contract. If a Bell employee says so, leave and find another employee.
It looks like you're asking if you can use the Palm Pre without any phone service at all (like the way you are using your iPod Touch). I doubt it, but I'd recommend looking at a Palm website, such as precentral.net.
As far as the Bell exclusivity goes, that doesn't concern you. It just means in a few months Telus will be selling the Palm Pre (and the Palm Pixi), and rumour has it that the Telus Palm Pre will be GSM. Bell will still be selling it, and if it is a Bell phone, then Bell will still activate it. Since it is a CDMA phone, you may have some trouble activating it on the Bell network in, my guess, 5-6 years from now, because eventually (5-10 years maybe???) Bell will be getting rid of their CDMA network.
1:56 am
December 7, 2009
I am talking about the Bell Palm Pre.
I just called Bell and they told me that I cannot activate the phone without having a phone+internet contract. The Palm Pre absolutly need an internet forfait to set up all the updates and get it started with all the updates so it doesn't work with Pay as you Go.
So from what the Bell tech said, I have to take a 1 month internet service absolutly to get an activation.
I told him: " What if I know someone who works for Bell" He said that this person could pass it on one of his many activations available in 1 year so i'll probably ask my friend who works for Bell Mobility.
2:59 am
December 7, 2009
Seems like I just found a way to hack the device and get through the activation with the Wifi instead:
Do you think this would work with Bell device instead of the Sprint one?
Bypassing Palm Pre's Sprint Activation / Wayne Pan's Blog - tech | js | ui | ajax | life | mobile
Bypassing Palm Pre's Sprint Activation
Filed under: pre
Last week, I went to pick up a Palm Pre sans a Sprint contract. The Sprint sales person had no problem selling me a $550 Palm Pre, but it was up to me to "Activate" the device. Sadly, I couldn't find good step by step instructions on how to do this. The best I could find, still was very confusing because it never explained why I was doing the things it was asking me to do.
So here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to bypass Sprint's activation for a Palm Pre. Hopefully you can use the webOS Internals tutorial and this to bypass activation. This will enable you to develop apps or use the Palm Pre as a wifi/bt device. Note, you will need to be comfortable with linux command line, tools, and editing files.
First, the goal of this "hack" is to bypass the Sprint Activation but also to enable WiFi so you can create a profile on palm.com without service. We are going to be basically hacking an additional menu item which then brings up the WiFi preferences pane.
1.Download the WebOS image here.
2.Unzip the image to a directory say ~/pre, rename the .jar to .zip if you need to. Remember to move the original file out of ~/pre so you can start over. Also we do not want to include this when we finally rebuild the image.
3.in ~/pre/resources make a new directory webOS/. This lets us untar webOS in a clean directory and rebuild the image easily. directory structure is important when rebuilding the image
4.move ~/pre/resources/webOS.tar to webOS/
5.cd ~/pre/resources/webOS and untar webOS.tar. Delete webOS.tar (so that we don't include the original file when rebuilding the image)
6.in ~/pre/resources/webOS make a new directory called nova/
7.move ~/pre/resources/webOS/nova-cust-image-castle.rootfs.tar.gz into nova/.
8.cd ~/pre/resources/webOS/nova/ and as root untar nova-cust-image-castle.rootfs.tar.gz doing this as root is important!. Delete nova-cust-image-castle.rootfs.tar.gz
9.If all went well you should now have the webOS image unpacked in ~/pre/resources/webOS/nova. You should also have files in ~/pre/resources/webOS/nova/dev. If you didn't sudo or missed some steps, you're doing it wrong. Start over now.
10.all directories are now relative to ~/pre/resources/webOS/nova/. First, lets bypass the activation app. Edit: usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.firstuse/app/controllers/app-assistant.js and replace the body of the setUpFirstUse() function
function setUpFirstUse () {
isDevice = true;
11.Next, we have to patch the First Use app to bring up the WiFi pref panel. You're going to need to know a little bit of javascript here, but if you pay attention it should be easy. Edit the file usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.firstuse/app/controllers/firstuse-util.js. Find the function tapHandler, and change the following block of code:
var labels = [{label: $L('Emergency call'), command: 'emergency-call'},
{label: $L('Cancel'), command: 'cancel'}
var labels = [{label: $L('Emergency call'), command: 'emergency-call'},
{label: $L('Enable WiFi'), command: 'peef-hack-mode'},
{label: $L('Cancel'), command: 'cancel'}
12.In the same file find the function popupChoose and add another else/if branch to the following block (obviously don't comment out code):
if(value == "emergency-call") {
// code commented out for my safety, don't comment out!
} else if (value == "customer-care") {
// code commented out for my safety, don't comment out
if(value == "emergency-call") {
// code commented out for my safety, don't comment out
} else if (value == "customer-care") {
// code commented out for my safety, don't comment out
} else if (value == "peef-hack-mode") {
13.Next we need to add the function peefMode() to handle our request. In usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.firstuse/app/models/account-service.js, add the following block of code immediately after the Class.create line (near the top):
peefMode: function() {
return new Mojo.Service.Request("palm://com.palm.applicationManager/open", {
parameters: {
id: 'com.palm.app.wifi',
params: {}
14.Now we're done adding functions we just need to make sure our image is valid. This means correcting the md5's of the files we touched. This means take the md5 of usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.firstuse/app/controllers/app-assistant.js, usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.firstuse/app/controllers/firstuse-util.js, usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.firstuse/app/models/account-service.js. In OS X that means running md5 usr/palm/applications/com.palm.app.firstuse/app/controllers/app-assistant.js. This will give you a 32 character hash of the file.
15.Edit usr/lib/ipkg/info/com.palm.app.firstuse.md5sums and replace your new md5's the 3 files above.
16.Now we just need to rebuild the image. If you've followed my steps above, in ~/pre/resources/webOS/nova run sudo tar cvpzf ../nova-cust-image-castle.rootfs.tar.gz ./
17.In ~/pre/resources/webOS delete nova/ (rm -rf nova). Now tar up this directory run tar cvf ../webOS.tar ./
18.In ~/pre/resources delete webOS/ (rm -rf webOS).
19.Almost done... in ~/pre/META-INF delete JARKEY.*
20.In ~/pre/META-INF edit MANIFEST.MF and only leave the top 2 lines (ie remove all the SHA-1 hashes in the file)
21.Now, in ~/pre recreated the image by running jar cvMf webosdoctorp100ewwsprint.jar * (some claim you can just use zip, but I'm not sure about this.)
22.Now start the firmware flasher by running java -jar webosdoctorp100ewwsprint.jar, follow the steps up until it asks you to plug in the device.
23.With the device OFF, hold the Volume Up key and plug the device into the machine. Your firmware should start flashing. If your device fails to reboot, just reboot it forcefully by removing the battery.
24.After booting up, it should be on the "Create Palm Profile" screen. Now we use what we've hacked into the image. Tap the phone icon in the corner and you should have an "Enable WiFi" option in the menu! Connect your Pre to a WiFi and now you should be able to create a Palm Profile. (If you can't exit the WiFi Preference screen after connecting just remove the battery again. You should connect to via WiFi after reboot.)
Whew, if you've done everything right you should have a Palm Pre device to develop apps on. Contract free of course.