1:40 pm
April 16, 2010
I'm not sure whether this question has been covered in another thread (I couldn't spot it). The speakout service offers great savings on the voice side but to my knowledge, there is nothing comparable on the data side. Is anyone aware of a prepaid data option (I'm not sure how it would be sold---it could be sold in MB or in minutes I guess). I would presume that if the PrePaid data card was on the Rogers wireless data network in Canada, the iphone would be able to access it.
As well, if there is a PrePaid data service in the US that runs on the AT&T (or some other GSM data network), I would appreciate knowing that as well.
And another question.... could an iphone use a SpeakOut service for voice and WiFi only and another PrePaid data card for Internet?
4:36 pm
March 10, 2010
4:48 pm
April 16, 2010
Thanks Andrew. I wasn't aware that speakout even had any kind of a data plan. What additional work would be required to use the data service? I haven't purchased the iphone yet but it will likely be a 16 or 32.
Another question. If I was to buy an unlocked iphone in the US, could I immediately set it up on the speakout plan or would I have to set it up on the Rogers network first and then re-configure it to work on speakout?
11:11 pm
April 22, 2009
There is conflicting information on whether an iphone 3G will work, the rogers branded iphone 3G is reported not to work. I noever got any clarity if that is the case for non rogers branded iphone 3G Apparently the 3GS works fine with speak out, as with the iphone 2G
You do have to configure the phone to Roger's proxy settings in any case. I believe there are settings posted here.
4:58 am
March 10, 2010
7:32 am
April 16, 2010
You guys rock!! Thanks so much for the info.
I still haven't had anyone's experiences with comparable services in the US. I believe that 7-11 USA discontinued new service activations and that Tracphone offers a "reasonable" but not-as-good-as service compared to speakout. I would like details on prepaid voice and data opportunities for iphone in the USA. Any takers on this one?
11:39 am
March 10, 2010
4:40 am
March 10, 2010
You need to download the iPhone Configuration Utility, create a profile with those settings, then upload it to your phone. A complete tutorial can be found here...
5:42 pm
March 10, 2010
Mail wont work over the Speakout data network. What you can do is use safari to access your Rogers account on Safari. You'll have to download a program called UAFaker to make Yahoo think you are logging in over wifi, or else you wont be able to read or reply to your emails. When you log in, go to your inbox, then press the + symbol and save a link to your springboard. You will now have a nice Yahoo icon on your springboard that will launch your email whenever you are on the road.