5:41 pm
February 2, 2012

Where do I go on my bold to input all the settings to get data working?
“Homepage http://wap:8582/start.wml
Connection security: Off
Active Bearer: GPRS
Connection type: GPRS Attach on Demand
Authentication Type: Normal Access Point Name: goam.com
User Name: wapuser1
Password: wap
Login Type: Automatic
Primary Proxy Server Setting
Primary Proxy Server Port: 80
5:59 pm
April 8, 2011

6:06 pm
December 30, 2010

6:08 pm
February 2, 2012

only settings under TCPIP is APN Settings Enable: checked off
APN: http://wap:8582/start.wml
APN Authentication is Enabled
and user name wapuser1
password wap.
No other settings to set like what is needed above? I still can't get data access. I tried host routing tables in the options as well
6:11 pm
December 30, 2010

5:27 am
April 8, 2011

What OS are you running?
I found this:
Turn on your BlackBerry Bold by pressing the end call/power button until the screen lights up. Press the menu key to open up the applications list.
Click "Settings" and then click "Options." Click "Advanced Options." Click "TCP."
Enter the APN settings for your mobile provider into their fields. Press the menu key and then click "Save."
That is how I did it when I used a BB on Speakout. I even had push email working using a cloud application called "Funambol".