Setting Up Voicemail on Landline without having to type in your 10 digit phone #
January 7, 2012
3:40 pm
3:40 pm
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
January 7, 2012
January 7, 2012

First off, thanks for this wonderful site. Got a lot of info here.
So I thought I'd give back a little.
I am not sure if this had been mentioned in the forums already. I have a Panasonic phone for my landline. I setup my voicemail number to be:
6472789956##########[My speakout wireless number]#
e.g. 6472789956#########6471234567#
It needed exactly 9 #'s in the middle, and I don't know why.
It dialed straight into my own mailbox without having to go through the prompt to enter your wireless number.
I tried this with my rogers cellphone (waiting for it to be ported over to speakout), but it didn't work.
Anyway, hope this will help some people!