Speak out mobile data settings that works for me. | Phone/Device Issues and Features | Consumer forum

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Speak out mobile data settings that works for me.
June 2, 2011
6:11 pm
Forum Posts: 1
Member Since:
June 2, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

This setting worked on my droid X android phone, so it could also work on I Phone.
This works for basic data for Speak out- surfing the web.
Set this as your home page in your web brouser on your phone it will give you your amount left for your Speak Out account. http://wap.ztarmobile.com/WAP/
Please add updates in this forum.

Name:Go Speakout or anything you want.
Homepage: http://wap.ztarmobile.com/WAP/
Service Type 1: HTTP
Proxy/IP 1:
Port 1: 80
Service Type 2: WAP Secure
Proxy/IP 2:
Port 2: 9203
Timeout: 10 minutes
LineType 1: ISDN
LineType 2: ISDN
GPRS APN: goam.com
User Name: wapuser1
Password: wap

- Setting II -
Name: Java Session
Service Type 1: HTTP
Port 1: 80
Service Type 2: HTTP
Port 2: 80
DNS 1:
DNS 2:
Timeout: 10 Minutes
Line Type 1: ISDN
Line Type 2: ISDN
GPRS APN: internet.com
User Name: wapuser1
Password: wap

- Setting III -
Name: Rogers MMS
Homepage: http://mms.gprs.rogers.com
Service Type 1: HTTP
Proxy/IP 1:
Port 1: 80
Service Type 2: WAP Secure
Proxy/IP 2:
Port 2: 9203
Timeout: 10 Minutes
Line Type 1: ISDN
Line Type 2: ISDN
GPRS APN: media.com
User Name: media
Password: mda01