3:06 pm
October 14, 2008

7:55 pm
April 22, 2009

3:50 am
March 10, 2010

7:31 am
April 22, 2009

Speak out leases a network from someone else, Rogers to be me exact. Rogers is not going to lock Speakout out of the 3G network because there is no point. It would be as foolish as locking Speakout to the 1900 mhz frequency even when the the 850 mhz frequency is also available to be used.
FIDO, before it was bought out by Rogers, did not have access to the 850 mhz spectrum, now it does.
It still does not mean much to you, Speakout sells no 3G phones, and if you do use a 3G phone, the 3G will still run like 2G. I also suspect Rogers will try to keep Speakout on 2G if there is a choice of both networks. That is just smart management policy, and nothing else.
3:35 pm
January 5, 2010

4:46 pm
January 5, 2010

Something to add that I just found out. When 3G is enabled in the network settings of the iphone, you can NOT call customer care (611) or check your airtime balance (*777). If you disable 3G it works fine, so make sure that when you check your airtime balance etc. to switch 3G off. 3G is not extremely fast, but webpages load significantly faster than with Edge only.
7:54 am
July 6, 2010

If I enable 3G network access on my iPhone 3G I get very erratic service. It will cut in and out and give error messages like "No Service", "Network Lost", etc... I find it very reliable (although I have only signed up a few days ago) with 3G network access turned off.
marc.waterloo - maybe you are just getting 2G data like bridonca refers to and not really 3G - anyway you can confirm full 3G data speeds? 2G data will be faster than Edge but I'm not sure what the actual speeds are.
8:25 am
March 10, 2010

6:22 pm
January 5, 2010

I am not sure what speed I am getting. It says 3G next to the Speakout bars, so I assume it is 3G. However, when I am running the speedcheck app it always stops at the latency test....I also noticed that with 3G it seems to drop the network/lose servive more frequently. Speedwise it is definitely faster than edge though.
6:26 pm
March 10, 2010

6:32 pm
January 5, 2010

Just downloaded another speedtest app, and it worked. Download speed was kinda variable, I had 1799kbit/s and 2238kbits/s, and for upload it was 115kbit/s and 130kbit/s. For the fun of it I ran the speedtest as if I was using edge, and had 590kbit/s, so it's definitely faster....what i noticed when rnning the speedtest was that it lost connection twice, so 3G is not really stable yet it seems....
6:32 pm
January 5, 2010

12:04 pm
July 6, 2010

andreww said:
Mike, are you actually getting data to work on your iPhone 3G? Or are you just speaking of the voice and text service?
I just have the standard pay-as-you-go voice and text service. I have not subscribed to any data or browsing plan although I thought they only have the one unlimited browsing for $10/month - are there other plans I am unaware of?
6:58 am
June 1, 2011

12:40 pm
April 26, 2011

10:25 am
December 30, 2010

the only thing I am worrying is they may drop this UMB like what president choice mobile has done. Everyone knows that only smart phone makes sense for data plan and an unmetered data plan cannot live long on smart phone.
Luckily, we have more reasonable options now(not that they are cheap but not too outrageous) so other than the 'I want to use my cell to replace my home broadband and stream netflix for 10 bucks guys', we should be fine.