7:58 pm
December 14, 2011

9:01 pm
November 5, 2011

6:54 am
June 3, 2011

I'm really enjoying using Data on SO now.
I was out for a walk yesterday and it was great to receive my gmails on the fly.
Also, I was able to follow the map of my location on my GPS/Exercise app (Endomondo) in real time.
I'm really enjoying this added Data functionality. Hopefully people won't get too silly with it and get us all cut off!
I'm just curious. Does anyone know; is this something that SO and Rogers will make permanent? Or is it just a temporary fluke while Rogers is tweaking their service for their mainstream subscribers? Or is it an experiment to see how it's received?
I find it odd that SpeakOut hasn't made any official announcement on this. I'm a little afraid that if it was going to be made permanent they'd be blowing their horn more by now!
7:41 am
September 28, 2011

Personally, I think it's a temporary benefit while Rogers is upgrading there network, maybe something to do with the 3G outage as well?..Who knows, especially when Speakout plays dumb about things like this. My guess is that since Speakout hasn't even made an announcement, they didn't even know about this bonus. There is no way Rogers would give SO customers this sort of data plan for $10. So if it is something permanent, then I can see pricing for data being implemented (Like Presidents choice mobile). I would prefer to keep the $10 UMB feature over paying more since I could do everything I really NEED to do with the proxy in place.
If it's too good to be true, than it usually is.
11:11 am
June 3, 2011

c.ferguson23@hotmail.com said:
If it's too good to be true, than it usually is.
Sigh! Too true, normally.
But I have another theory about this: Rogers is doing it deliberately to pull the rug out from under Wind and Mobi at the low end of the market. Why not? Rogers is famous for having a finger in every pie, and it's one more source of revenue for them and just fussy enough that none of their mainstream subs are going to bother with. Evidence recent improvements in getting easier access to Simcards and online topups.
Time will tell.
11:55 am
July 29, 2011

I use my Nokia's built-in VoIP/SIP client when I'm at places with a WLAN access point, I've never expected that Rogers/Speakout would ever open the various ports necessary to do VoIP while using the UMB plan. I just use the data plan for consulting maps, real-time transit schedules, a bit of on-the-go information look-up on the web, etc. The built-in IMAP/contacts/calendar synchronization also works nicely with Google.
Nevertheless, since others have reported that Skype and other VoIP type applications are now working, I experimented on my Nokia by putting the GoRogers access point higher in priority than WLAN for internet access, and enabling the "AWCDMA" feature in the SIP profile (which I believe allows the SIP profile on the phone to work over any available GPRS/3G networks).
Lo and behold, incoming SIP calls will now ring the handset, but accepting the call will immediately raise a warning Nokia dialog: "Forbidden!" or "Not allowed!" (I don't remember which). So it looks like connection setup data is reaching the phone (I tried this on two different SIP UDP ports that my VoIP provider allows), but the actual connection is blocked--which does not surprise me. Skype uses a different approach to VoIP, so perhaps Rogers/Speakout can't filter it as easily as conventional SIP connections.
Anyway, I'm a complete neophyte, I've had my Nokia N8 for barely a week now (I'm still all thumbs on the touch screen...), and my degree of knowledge & experience with the whole device (and mobile phones generally) is paper thin so far. But I thought I'd report anyway...
1:19 pm
September 28, 2011

Laridae said:
c.ferguson23@hotmail.com said:
If it's too good to be true, than it usually is.
Sigh! Too true, normally.
But I have another theory about this: Rogers is doing it deliberately to pull the rug out from under Wind and Mobi at the low end of the market.
But why would SO not advertise it then? There's no point in doing that if it's not going to be marketed.
1:21 pm
September 28, 2011

4:05 pm
June 3, 2011

c.ferguson23@hotmail.com said:
But why would SO not advertise it then? There's no point in doing that if it's not going to be marketed.
Mebbe they're not ready to spread the word yet and they want us to test it and prove the concept?
I've said many bad things about Rogers, but being Dumb was not one of them!
Or mebbe they want the ability to cancel it abruptly if too many of their regular subs get mad or switch over?
6:41 pm
December 30, 2010

This is entirely up to rogers and I believe due to technical reasons rather than marketing reaons. So I agree that either it will be blocked again or there will be no more UMB, in particular people keen on bragging it in various venues. There is no way Rogers would allow this if everyone on the street knows about this.
I have said that I knew how to use the UMB as full data ever since I get my SIM in March, just like any Rogers customer.
3:38 pm
June 3, 2011

chimpanzee said:
There is no way Rogers would allow this if everyone on the street knows about this.
I'm afraid you could be right about that, Chimp. Or as some one else said "If it's too good to be true ..."
I'm thinking now that mebbe it's kind of a "free trial offer". Rogers lets us try out having Data for a while so we can see how convenient and useful it is. Then when they take it away we miss it and decide to bite the bullet and sign on for a data plan somewhere.
6:40 pm
December 30, 2010

5:34 am
March 10, 2010

c.ferguson23@hotmail.com said:
Laridae said:
c.ferguson23@hotmail.com said:
If it's too good to be true, than it usually is.
Sigh! Too true, normally.
But I have another theory about this: Rogers is doing it deliberately to pull the rug out from under Wind and Mobi at the low end of the market.
But why would SO not advertise it then? There's no point in doing that if it's not going to be marketed.
Reason they wouldn't advertise is that once they have met their objective of taking down the competition, they can stop it. Also, they don't want their own customers to hear about it.
6:22 am
June 3, 2011

andreww said:
Reason they wouldn't advertise is that once they have met their objective of taking down the competition, they can stop it. Also, they don't want their own customers to hear about it.
But doesn't that present a Catch 22 situation for Rogers:
In order to steal enough subs from Wind and Mobi to hurt them they need to get the word out. But if they advertise this publicly then Rogers subs are gonna be pissed!
It's fine to say just spread the word low-key on forums like this but Rogers subs follow these threads too.
I don't see how they can count on one group knowing without the other. Word gets round!
9:55 am
March 10, 2010

Guys that are with Rogers already are more than likely locked in to a contract so they cant switch. If they happen to be Rogers or Fido pay and talk customers moving over, no big loss either. The objective is to keep as many low enders under the Rogers umbrella as possible. Interesting theory anyway.
Personally, I think these new Speakout changes will be around for a while anyway. Speakout has been 3G for quite some time now, despite the fact that they don't have a 3G phone in their lineup. We all thought that would be short lived as well, and when it actually went away in some areas, it came back on several weeks later. This is far mor than a mistake or a glitch in the system. It is deliberate, but for what reason I have no clue.
12:40 pm
September 1, 2010

Laridae said:
I'm really enjoying using Data on SO now.
I was out for a walk yesterday and it was great to receive my gmails on the fly.
Also, I was able to follow the map of my location on my GPS/Exercise app (Endomondo) in real time.
I'm really enjoying this added Data functionality. Hopefully people won't get too silly with it and get us all cut off!I'm just curious. Does anyone know; is this something that SO and Rogers will make permanent? Or is it just a temporary fluke while Rogers is tweaking their service for their mainstream subscribers? Or is it an experiment to see how it's received?
I find it odd that SpeakOut hasn't made any official announcement on this. I'm a little afraid that if it was going to be made permanent they'd be blowing their horn more by now!
Hi Laridae, do I have to subscribe a Data Plan with Speakout in order to get email on my cellular?
5:01 pm
June 3, 2011

ccpyue said:
Hi Laridae, do I have to subscribe a Data Plan with Speakout in order to get email on my cellular?
Yes, you have to sign up for their Unlimited Browsing at $10 per month. That will allow you to go to the Gmail website and retrieve your Gmail from there.
But as you can gather from this post we have actually been getting full Data on SO, which is much easier and more convenient.
4:48 am
May 11, 2010

andreww said:
Guys that are with Rogers already are more than likely locked in to a contract so they cant switch. If they happen to be Rogers or Fido pay and talk customers moving over, no big loss either. The objective is to keep as many low enders under the Rogers umbrella as possible. Interesting theory anyway.
Personally, I think these new Speakout changes will be around for a while anyway. Speakout has been 3G for quite some time now, despite the fact that they don't have a 3G phone in their lineup. We all thought that would be short lived as well, and when it actually went away in some areas, it came back on several weeks later. This is far mor than a mistake or a glitch in the system. It is deliberate, but for what reason I have no clue.
Wow its amazing ! I can download apps etc all with decent speed watch video !!?? awesome ! used the nz unlock on my iphone 3g otherwise the phone could not start using the data ..
7:13 am
June 3, 2011

Actually I think I've figured it out:
Having recently watched "A Christmas Carol", Rogers executives were overcome with guilt and remorse over the way they've been treating us. They've become infected with Christmas spirit and decided to grant us all this little favour.
So, we should be good for a while, 'till Jan 2, say? - when they come to their senses again!