8:57 am
June 3, 2011

andreww said:
We all knew it probably wouldn't last, and said as much on these forums.
That was my understanding too. We all knew that getting full data instead of just browsing was more than SO had charged us for.
To try to insist that SO must continue with this is a little over the top. They don't owe us anything other than what they have indicated.
Having said that, I hope they fix it and continue it. We never did find out if it was intended or a mistake on SO's part so we're all just spinning our wheels and guessing until SO makes a statement on this.
9:16 am
March 2, 2011

And where did you get that impression??? Certainly not from Speakout! If you look at the data settings provided on speakouts site, it clearly states that you need a proxy.
Even with the proxy on, I was able to use VOIP and other features. There was no way to judge how strict the proxy settings were. It was safe to assume, at that time, that the data had minimal restrictions if any.
Nowhere does speakout suggest that MSN would work.
Then, the default Facebook and Twitter applications. Also, why would Speakout carry a phone that is not 100% capitable with their network?
Thats a stretch. Speakout has never to my knowledge advertised their data for anything more than it is.
The never set out what restrictions were set on the data. The only way to test what restrictions were implemented was to test the service. And I did test the service, during the month of December...
Not going to happen. How would Rogers explain that one to all those people paying $25/mo for 500mb
They've done it for 3 months already. Many people are on contracts anyways, Speakout doesn't do contracts and Speakout is pre-paid.
Sure, next month you can use twice as much unrestricted data
9:19 am
January 10, 2012

Laridae said:
andreww said:
We all knew it probably wouldn't last, and said as much on these forums.
That was my understanding too. We all knew that getting full data instead of just browsing was more than SO had charged us for.
To try to insist that SO must continue with this is a little over the top. They don't owe us anything other than what they have indicated.
Having said that, I hope they fix it and continue it. We never did find out if it was intended or a mistake on SO's part so we're all just spinning our wheels and guessing until SO makes a statement on this.
I completely agree with you. There are so many winges on this topic when you fully knew that only web browsing was supported. Even the option is named "Browsing" and it specifically says you have "unlimited browsing".
It was great while it lasted. It would be greater if they reinstated it, but you have no reason to expect to get unlimited data because it was on by accident (or a tease).
10:00 am
September 22, 2009

raleybob said:
In addition. With the promotion, I was able to purchase the Nokia C3 (from Speakout) at the discounted price. Features on the Nokia C3 such as MSN, Facebook, mail worked before, not it is not working anymore. Should I blame Speakout for these services not working? They do carry the phone and the phone advertises premium service over cellular data.
Actually, they don't. The offer "unlimited browsing". That's it. And that's still there.
I agree it sucks, but 7-11 never offered "premium services over cellular data". They advertised unlimited web browsing on the phones that they sell.
The deception is providing unproxied data during a promotion to attract customers. The new customers are under the impression that they get unlimited, unrestricted data which is referred to as the "great deal". Once the promotion has ended, Speakout gives its customers proxied data. They did not inform the customer that there will be a service change, aware the customer they were recieving premium data or anything. Now one may argue that ROGERS is at fault, however that argument overlooks that Speakout lacks affiliation with the ROGERS company, so any service change to Speakout customers, Speakout needs to solve on their own, or they are essentially conning all Speakout customers.
What promotion are you talking about? Speakout never advertised this, it was an error on their back end. If a store advertises a product for $10, but mistakenly prices it in the store for $7, they have to honour the lower price, but they aren't obliged to continue labeling all new stock of the item at that price.
You seem to have inferred a lot of things that Speakout never claimed to offer. Speakout is definitely obligated to provide the service that they advertised, which they appear to be doing.
It's great that for a while, we lucked out and got more than what we were paying for. It sucks that it's gone now, but it's not like they're under any obligation to keep it going.
I'm disappointed, and I'd love to see them offer something like a bulk data rate, but I don't expect to see it.
10:20 am
March 10, 2010

jimbo said:
I emailed my complaint. I filled up one account with $100 to get the $25 additional. I also started a new data chip on January 31! Everything was tickety-boo and then Feb 1, Rogers lowers the boom.
Really? You obviously didn't buy the $100 top-up for any reason related to data as that promotion ended a month ago and you only activated data two days ago. Call speakout and cancel your data and ask for your $10 back.
11:23 am
February 14, 2011

11:40 am
March 10, 2010

11:45 am
January 10, 2012