1:25 pm
December 6, 2010

I'm using an iPhone 3G on speakout. I was using it to read the news and catch up on emails while sitting by the pool on holidays in Osoyoos. Then I found how much more I can suddenly do on 3G with Speakout.
-YouTube videos are no longer limited to :45 or so. I just watched a 5:00 video.
-Native Gtalk chatting now works fine. No more stupid 3rd party apps or sites required.
-A Google Voice app is now available for iPhone users for free wifi calling for Canadians. It's called Talkatone. And it works great.
All of this seems ridiculous, considering my brother-in-law beside me is not using his Telus phone for fear of exceeding his data plan. Crazy.
7:49 am
December 30, 2010

2:54 pm
December 6, 2010

3:37 pm
December 30, 2010

7:43 am
November 10, 2010

mechman600 said:
I'm using an iPhone 3G on speakout. I was using it to read the news and catch up on emails while sitting by the pool on holidays in Osoyoos. Then I found how much more I can suddenly do on 3G with Speakout.
-YouTube videos are no longer limited to :45 or so. I just watched a 5:00 video.
-Native Gtalk chatting now works fine. No more stupid 3rd party apps or sites required.
-A Google Voice app is now available for iPhone users for free wifi calling for Canadians. It's called Talkatone. And it works great.All of this seems ridiculous, considering my brother-in-law beside me is not using his Telus phone for fear of exceeding his data plan. Crazy.
It's device-specific. I was NEVER limited to 45 seconds on my phone. I use an N95.