10:31 pm
Okay, this is a dumb question, but surprising hard to find the answer using google.
When you store phone numbers in contacts, do you enter it as:
a)123 1234
b)403 123 1234
c)1 403 123 1234
ie. Do you include the country and area code?
The difference being when you roam, can it dial the correct digits depending where you are?
8:24 am
My experience with cellphones is that you always store the full number with the leading "1". If it turns out to be a local call then the "1" will be ignored. This is different from landline where, at least in Bell's territory, if you dial a "1" when it's not required or don't dial it when it is required, you'll get a message from Silicon Sally.
P.S. These days it's also not a good idea to store only the exchange and number, e.g. 555 1212. That's because more and more area codes are running out of numbers and getting overlaid with new area codes (e.g. 416 and 647.) You might as well save the full number, e.g. 403 555 1212 because sooner or later you'll be required to dial that full number anyway.