4:27 pm
July 30, 2011

I just bought an old Palm Treo 650 from a friend, and I transfert my SIM card from my old phone to this one. I am with ROGERS.
Problem is I don't know how to change/replace the voicemail phone number in the favorites... didn't find a way to edit the phone number. Number currently there is not mine.
Someone have an idea on how to do it ?
Thank you
- Roland
5:53 am
April 22, 2009

You might get lucky here, and a palm user here might be able to help. But I suspect you will have better luck getting help at one of the many Treo smartphones forums out there. Good luck.
6:33 am
July 30, 2011

bridonca said:
You might get lucky here, and a palm user here might be able to help. But I suspect you will have better luck getting help at one of the many Treo smartphones forums out there. Good luck.
Thanks for the tip bridonca, but I already spent two days Googling arround and tried many things w/o success... even tried a hard reset (factory default restart) and the bad phone number is still in the "voicemail" option... I don't know why we can't simply EDIT the info from the favorites... doesn't make sense.