7:09 pm
April 25, 2011

I see that there's unlimited browsing, and then there's a rate for data. So how is unlimited browsing different from a data plan?
I'll be getting an andriod phone soon and I'm just going to use it for web browsing (gmail, wiki, facebook, trading some stocks, maybe skype/msn/ebuddy, etc). So how's that going to work?
Thanks guys!
4:10 am
April 22, 2009

With Speakout, there is only unmetered browsing. If you are using an Android phone, you need one that is updated to 2.2 or above. Older version had problems working with a proxy.
Rogers, the carrier that provides service to Speakout, put some restriction on the Speakout browsing. VOIP, and multimedia is made to be useless. With the android, a lot of apps will not work with Speakout. But you can browse. Most web pages should work, there will be exceptions though.