3:22 pm
February 4, 2010

I'm using the basic Nokia speakout phone now, looks like the 1661 but i see no number on it. I would like to try the C3 and do some internet browsing occasionally when camping. My wife accidentally bought a $100 card instead of a 100 minute one last year, so I would like my balance to move to the new phone. Is it just a matter of buying the C3 and putting the old sim card in it? Then sign up for data at $10/month?
Anyone know if I would see an improvement in sensitivity? The only tower in our area is Telus and my present Nokia doesn't Get any signal in the house unless held in the window where the tower is visible 3 km away.
Thanks to all for this most helpful site!
6:10 pm
October 14, 2008

You cannot move balances between phones. From the official site:
"“Not that I would, but can I transfer my airtime to other SpeakOut Wireless phones?”
“No. SpeakOut Wireless Airtime can only be used with the phone the airtime is assigned to.”
As for sensitivity, that can vary greatly from phone to phone. So many other variables like weather, terrain, obstructions (buildings, trees) come into play as well.
6:11 pm
April 22, 2009

Your account, the phone number, and it's balance is tied to the SIM card, so whatever balance is on the old SIM card will be the same when you put it in the new phone. If you want data, just ask a Speakout CSR to activate it, and you will be deducted $10 more a month.
The 1661 has a pretty good antenna, so if you are not getting a good signal with that, you probably will not get a good signal with another phone. The Rogers tower is just too far. you might have to find a phone that can have an external antenna attached to it, and even then, that might or might not work.