7:12 pm
February 12, 2010

Hi I am looking to get advice from members here about what BLACKBERRY to buy for my speak out SIM... i HAVE and old blackberry now but its old and doesnt have WIFI and the qerty and wheel is buggered... So I need to find a new BB and also would like to have data functions. I tried the data plan with my current BB but I couldnt get it to work...Its probibly 4 years old, it has a WHEEL on the side so that should give you a hint how old it is...NO TRACKBALL...
so what model of blackberry should I buy that will give me a good mix of functions and easy of set up...???
Hope to hear some good advice.....
I have been looking at the 8350 , 8520 and bolds range... will they work and give me google maps and email? I am aware that BBM will not work on the SPEAK OUT platform but I am hoping to get more functions than I am currently getting on my old clunker blackberry...
I would also consider other brands as well if there easy to use and set up isnt difficult... but Im not a iphone junky and steve jobs isnt my god. but I do have a macbook, but still prefer my dell studio 17...
Hope to hear something back from the SO community hear and wish all you a great holiday season...
I would also like to wish the FORUM admin and creator a very heart felt thanks for building and keeping this forum alive and well.. Its a great place that shows uniqueness and offers people options that wouldnt be avaiable but for your efforts.. Thanks speakoutwireless.ca your a special kind of place..
9:12 pm
April 22, 2009

9:59 pm
April 23, 2010

When you use Blackberry on SO services, you are not able to use BES and BIS.
Yes you still can access your emails .. but only via browser you use, since BIS and BES are tunneled through RIM servers.
If you want to use SO services, don't get a BB, just get Xperia or something like that instead.
BB is built to use RIM's servers and services.
Hope this helps.
11:46 am
March 10, 2010

4:29 pm
February 12, 2010

well I live in waterloo and that were there built so there is many many used ones for super cheap.. I just bought a blackberry tour for 75 bucks.. so why not.. I know I dont have bbm but really like the feel of the bb units and there pretty solid... plus there is lot of people who fix them around here as well and parts..
so I got a bb tour and just figures out there is no WIFI.. SO I SHOULD HAVE DOUBLE CHECKED on that feature... but I was gonna hook up the data plan today...
can anyone give me advice as to what to do to get mobile browsing going on a black berry....tour...
I am not sure what browser works with speak out.... or what settings I will need to change,,,
any advice..