11:02 am
May 11, 2010

Im thinking of getting a used iphone 2g or 3g to use with my speakout sim card I have heard fido wont work but rogers will (unless you unlock the fido) so that narrows it down a bit ..or if its an unlocked phone I think .. i see them as low as 1 hun and as high as the moon ..also wondering how long the non repacable battery will last . any one care to share how they like their iphone using it with speakout ? I have searched quite a bit and will continue to do so thanks ..Leon near edmonton alberta
11:51 am
March 10, 2010

People selling their used iphones are thieves more often than no these days. They are getting their new 4G phones for $169 and then trying to sell their two year old 3G for upwards of $300. Don't pay it, and just be patient. Use Craigslist or Kijiji instead of ebay, and only buy in person. Don't pay more than $200 for a 3G or $150 for an absolutely mint 2G.
1:47 pm
April 22, 2009

2:21 pm
March 10, 2010

actually the iphone batteries tend to be pretty decent, and with the exception of the original iphone, not that hard to replace. I've bought a few of them now and the batteries were good in all of them. As I was refurbing them, I replaced the batteries anyway as they are dirt cheap to buy. Anyway, buying an iPhone for speakout, you really don't have much of a choice unless you want to spend about $700 with taxes to get a new one.
4:24 am
March 10, 2010

10:53 am
August 31, 2009

andreww said:
People selling their used iphones are thieves more often than no these days. They are getting their new 4G phones for $169 and then trying to sell their two year old 3G for upwards of $300.
You and I both know that the $169 price is subsidized. The true cost of the phone is the 3 year contract that will lighten your wallet by a minimum of $2,509 plus tax and 911 fees. The $169 upfront charge is just a psychological tool that enables people to tell themselves that it's a great deal that "costs less than an iPod."
Subsidized phones and ridiculously long 3-year contracts should be illegal.
11:47 am
March 10, 2010

You are correct that the phones are subsidized, BUT, as these used phones are generally between one and three years old, I would think that the current going rates I see are overpriced. Currently a factory unlocked brand new 3GS with a full one year applecare warranty goes for $550. $350 for a year and a half old phone with a depleted battery, no warranty, and the better part of half its useful lifecycle used up, doesn't really sound like a deal to me. paying more than $200 for a 2.5 year old 3G is even more ridiculous.
4:30 am
December 13, 2010

I just bought an iPhone off of some chick selling her used 3G on Kijiji. It was painless and harmless. I paid $145 for it, the battery life gets longer than my iPod touch, (2nd gen) did, when it was new. Mine has quite a few scratches on it, but that's nothing a little Brasso can't fix... My thoughts are GO FOR IT! The risk is worth more than buying one new, because you are getting such a great DEAL! But always make sure you try it out and stuff before you buy it. PS: I am only 12!
11:54 pm
December 24, 2010

I stumbled across pinkpine.com last week, which sells new unlocked and used iPhones of all generations (2G, 3G, 3GS, 4). That site'll give you a good idea of a fair price to pay, or you can just order from them (note: I haven't).
Lucky for me a friend in the US gave me his old iPhone 2G for free this summer, which I jailbroke and unlocked and now use in Canada. You can indeed replace the battery in the 2G, it's just annoying and somewhat risky since the whole phone has to be taken apart, or you can send it in to be replaced by various third party companies very reasonably compared to what Apple charges. The battery itself is under $20.
Because the 2G can't run iOS 4, and some apps will only work on iOS 4 now, I don't recommend getting a 2G at this point as more and more apps won't be able to run on it since the 2G phone can't run anything higher than version 3.1.3 of the iPhone OS.
I'd recommend going for a 3GS.