1:49 am
I know absolutely nothing about cell phones. But, due to a recent situation (car broke down on highway) I want to get one for emergencies. I want a CHEAP cell phone. All is has to be able to do is make calls.
1) If I go with the 7-11 plan, do I have to buy their phone?
2) Can I buy any old phone?
3) Where is the best place to get an inexpensive basic cell phone?
I'm soo glad I found this website; so far I've learned a lot!!
2:28 am
well i would believe that the 7-11 phone is the best deal right now considering that they frequently offer their phones free when you buy 100 dollar credit. There is one of those promotions on right now (it might have just ended) but it will probably come back again. If the deal is still on it would probably be best for your situation.
1) If I go with the 7-11 plan, do I have to buy their phone?
2) Can I buy any old phone?
3) Where is the best place to get an inexpensive basic cell phone?
No, you do not have to buy a phone from 7-Eleven, as the SIM card (the most important part) will work on any unlocked GSM phone. 7-Eleven does not sell SIM cards on their own, however. You'll have to pick one up from someone else in the phone exchange forum.
You can also pick up a phone from the phone exchange forum. However, the going rate seems to be $30 for the SIM card (typically with $5 airtime pre-loaded) and $30 for the basic phone. I've seen people sell both bundled for $50.
The alternative is to get the $100 deal from 7-Eleven (if it's still available in January) which gives you the basic phone (with the SIM card of course) for free with $100 airtime. Note that the one recurring fee is the 911 fee of $0.99 per month, so you'll need at least $12 on your phone to last the year.