Will iOS5 screw up SMS on Speakout?
June 10, 2011
11:20 am
11:20 am
Forum Posts: 732
Member Since:
March 10, 2010
March 10, 2010

Apple announced details of their upcoming iOS5 earlier this week. One of the new, more promising features, iMessage, is very similar to BBM in function. As most proprietary features like Facetime and Notifications don't work over the Speakout proxy, I have very little hope that iMessage will either. The problem is that iMessage is transparant and works from the built in Message app. If you contact is detected as an iPhone user, your message is sent via iMessage, if not, the message goes SMS. I can only hope that the app will still be able to send SMS to another iPhone without having to wait for an iMessage delivery to fail first.