11:02 pm
August 26, 2011

Good day everyone,
got a sim card today and 50 dollar card and so far its been a waste of 60 dollars!
I got an unlocked dell venue pro phone with windows mobile 7. Love the phone, works great. Tried it with friends Bell card, and after about one minute setup of data / mms setting worked great.
I wish it was the same with speakout. After searching through this site and looking all over the net, I have not found configuration that work.
Speakout customer service is rude and uneducated and need a lesson in proper customer service.
Long story short they refunded 10 dollars for "internet" but wont refund the rest. Right now I got a useless phone (I might as well have a 1995 flip phone, because it does the same!) and a 50 dollars of credit that I REALLY wanted to use for data.
Does anyone has a windows 7 phone setup on Speakout? It seems that DNS entries are probably not right, however I cant find where to change DNS settings and all other settings I tried dont work.
Please help, this is extremely frustrating!
Thank you.
6:03 am
April 22, 2009

Take a look at this thread. It is not specifically about Windows mobile 7, but it is as good as you are going to get for support here.
You have 2 big problems that are not Speakout related. Windows mobile is not an easy phone to configure APN settings correctly, so that is why Speakout customer service people will do nothing to support it. The second issue is Bell, they program their phones to make some needed APN settings disappear, You might have to debrand the phone to get it working properly.
1:17 pm
December 30, 2010

9:54 am
August 26, 2011

all Im saying is that setting are readily available for bell. This is really not that complicated. Speakout needs to provide the following:
MMS Proxy
5 fields. If that is too difficult for a company to provide, then they should not be in business!!!!
Ive tried all of them on here...10.128...... and the other two I found with 0 luck. Tried, goam, internet, rogers you name it.
Bit of time and effort.....you say.....how about 3 days worth of trying every imaginable configuration. When I asked for a bit of help, I got royal attitude from Speakout. And guess what, they wont even take their sim card back. You can probably understand my frustration now.
6:06 pm
December 30, 2010

speakout is not a general service provider. They are supposed to only support their own phones which all have these settings burnt in the firmware. What else you want them to do ? They just started to sell SIM.
goam.com worked in my Nokia(which I flashed and lost the builtin settings) and my Optimus One(which was with Telus/Koodo). Other iPhone users also can use that. MMS is a bit tough.
And I can tell you that if you want good deals, expect to spend some time on google and readings. I just switched my iPhone 4(locked to Bell) which was using PC mobile(as that is the cheapest route I can get for data, 10 bucks/100MB) to a Bell iPad plan (15 bucks/250MB). And I have been searching and reading since March and finally land on this one which is optimal for my usage.