12:16 pm
August 23, 2010

12:20 pm
September 2, 2010

7:26 pm
August 24, 2010

4:20 am
March 10, 2010

647Guy said:
PM sent with 2nd code requred.
Jeez 647, you just had a code redeemed on the 1st. What don't you get about once a week?
I saw this request hours before you and could have easily sniped it, but I'm a (expletive deleted) honest person, unlike you. Why don't you play by the rules and let others have a chance? can't you stop yourself from acting like a (expletive deleted)?
Edit by Moderator
5:19 am
August 24, 2010

andreww: Please check the facts. I gave out my previous code on Aug 26th. Code referrers have no control over the date a code is actually redeemed. Also, I submitted a code on this thread to avert a possible double code referral/redemption. BTW, there's no need for profanity, perhaps you should edit your post.
8:11 am
September 2, 2010

6:08 am
September 2, 2010

6:25 am
March 10, 2010

iPHONEspeakout said:
I know I'm new to this but I would have to agree with 647guy. So, is once a week every 7 days, or could it be once a pay week ex. if you referred one on a Wednesday then the following Monday? Just want to get it straight before I refer my next one. Thanks.
Once a week is every seven days. Obviously we don't want people giving codes on Sunday and Monday because technically, they are in different weeks.
6:28 am
March 10, 2010

iPHONEspeakout said:
mikeyuan, you still haven't used the code. Are you going to redeem it, or should I send it to someone who will use it.
Feel free to supply your code to someone else. I usually give at least two full days for someone to redeem a code. If it hasn't been done by then, chances are it never will be.
Good luck