I have posted a modest addition to the referral forum rules asking people to limit the number of referrals they send.
8:30 pm
One also have to realize that just because someone is sent a referral code it does not mean it was used. I had a heck of time getting someone to actually use one referral code and it took at least 4 posts to actually get someone to use the code. As you know one SpeakOut phone # can only ask for 12 referral codes per year (whether they are used or not) and the codes have 15 day life span.
5:18 am
March 10, 2010
9:00 am
May 1, 2009
I don't think few sour grapes should stop people giving ref codes.
Anybody can create few names and give codes on internet forums today.
People who lose to benefit are stirring the pot. I have never given codes are asked for it.
But people should be allowed to give as stated it human nature and Internet nature.
Remember the losers are name calling and protesting. Childish thing I say.
Ignore the losers and give codes as you wish.
12:23 pm
March 10, 2010
4:43 pm
April 6, 2010
I have to agree with andreww on this one. Although his tone may be out of line, the whole idea of this forum and web site is to help others with information regarding SpeakOut Wireless. Those individuals sending out multiple referral codes each week are not helping others, they are only helping themselves. Sorry folks, taking taking and taking some more is not the way a community works, but neither is name calling.
Let's hope for a little more decorum on this forum, share the wealth of the referrals codes, reply to messages for those seeking information and this site thrives for all.
the Rules that the admin stated are there to help everyone, take a read and everyone benefits.
This is a difficult situation. We want to encourage some sort of "fair play" but an overly regulated system could make it too difficult for people to actually get codes. My current thought is to switch the rules / suggestions to have people send PMs to do the actual exchange of codes. This way, people can be warned if over-posting and then banned if they repeatedly ignore the warnings. We cannot completely stop people from coming back and creating another account, but at least forcing them to take that step (if they insist on not being fair) adds some built-in self-regulation.
Everybody who is sending and receiving codes (even once) is getting something for free. Please do not abuse that privilege.
What we will not tolerate on this site is name calling and unproductive, immature discussion. Please stop the personal attacks. Let's all use our energy and talents for more positive things.
3:27 am
March 10, 2010
Peter, the simple solution would be to remove the RSS feed from this section of the forum. It is fairly obvious that his how these "cheaters" are managing to scoop the rest of us. Sometimes there is three days between code requests, yet these guys manage to reply within a minute or two every time. Removing the RSS would make it a fair playing field for everyone.
And sorry about my harsh treatment of recent offenders. It was obviously a product of my frustration and my intolerance for people that have a lack of respect for others.
RSS feed removed for this forum... for now. This is not a complete solution -- it just shifts the advantage from people who set up a feed reader to people who can refresh the page often. (There are in fact services that will automatically refresh a page in your browser every few seconds, thus consuming site bandwidth.) But hopefully this will decrease the incentive for people to completely ignore the "fair play" rules.
3:29 am
March 10, 2010
True, someone can refresh all day, but I don't think that will happen. Doing that will not give an alert, and requests don't come in frequently enough to make that method successful. At the very least it will greatly increase the amount of time it takes the cheats to respond, giving honest members a fair chance. We shall see!
8:06 am
December 30, 2009
So frustrating! I've been trying to give out a code for a couple weeks...and it DOES seem to be the same people giving out codes several times a month. Is there an "official" rule on this? It's too bad...I'm giving up hope
UPDATE: I should have said "...same people giving out codes several times a WEEK!" I reread the rules and the suggestion is one code a week. People ARE greedy!
8:32 am
March 10, 2010
Problem is that some people are not even bothering to post anymore that they have supplied a code. I tried to supply a code to someone yesterday, not long after he posted. He informed me later that the request had been filled within seconds, although I was the only person posting in the thread.
Keep at it. Since Peter removed the RSS feed, I have been able to snag one code. One a month would be fine with me, but as you noticed, its obviously not enough for others.