8:58 am
December 18, 2012

I posted a topic under Phone/Device Issues and Features named A Never-Made-Call cost me 54 bucks has been deleted from the forum. Some seasoned members like iamdrumming and chimpanzee have replied and advised on the post. Now it'ss nowhere to find -- Very impressive!
9:06 am
December 30, 2010

it has been mentioned that it would be removed on 7-eleven/speakout's request, on that thread unfortunately.
Personally, I don't like this practice especially not notifying the OP(and I have seen my posts removed as well in other occasions) but that is how this forum is managed.
It is already getting better as we do see a notice back then stating it would be removed later. I would advice you to contact the moderator to get an update about it if you failed to read that last response.
5:27 pm
October 14, 2008

I have replied to OP's PM on this issue. It was stated that the matter was being looked at internally by SpeakOut, and since it was a privacy issue, they asked me to delete the thread. I kept the thread active for a week, so those involved would know, then it was deleted as per SpeakOut's instructions.
As for other posts being deleted, that can happen, but only if they are breaking the rules (suggesting ways to break the TOS, being disrespectful, etc)
Every forum based site has rules, and this site is no exception.
5:52 pm
December 30, 2010

6:05 pm
October 14, 2008

There are plenty of people I've come across who don't agree with the rules here, and especially argue against the TOS found on the official site. If you don't agree with a carrier's TOS, then don't use that carrier.
I have seen MANY forums with much tighter rules than this site. You think it's bad here? I have seen forums that don't allow resurrecting threads that are older than 6 weeks, and if you do, you'll get a swift reprimand.
Posts are deleted only for the reasons above. It is a poster's job to know and understand the rules BEFORE posting. You can't drive a car, get caught speeding, the plead with the cop you didn't know it was against the rules.
I have also seen forums, that will make you read the rules of the site, check a box to say you've read and agreed to the rules, then your first 20 posts aren't displayed until a moderator approves them. I have also seen sites that give you ONE single chance to break a rule, then you are banned forever. How would you like being a member there? It's not that bad here
6:17 pm
December 30, 2010

how many times I have said no one is arguing about the rules ? it is the silent deletion that makes this forum looks very rude, and why we have this 'disgusting - post deleted' thread
as I have said publicly and privately, do whatever you want but other would have their own judgements and comparing with bad forums don't make this looks any better
Chinese communist is way better than North Korea
6:33 pm
October 14, 2008

You haven't been arguing about the rules, but there has been plenty of people that are. It wasn't a silent deletion. I posted in that thread that SpeakOut notified me it was a privacy issue, and asked me to delete the thread right away. I told them I would delete it in a week, so the people involved would know, and then it would be deleted.
6:41 pm
December 30, 2010

i was not referring to that particular thread and why I said it is getting better. i understand it is a voluteer effort but given that deletion is not that frequent especially for this kind of situations(which was a legit complaint/question), a simple private notification would reduce confusion and anger(and this thread would not exist at all).
BTW, the excuse given by SO for removal is quite interesting but I would stop from commenting
2:28 am
January 18, 2009

1:03 pm
March 10, 2010

So let me get this straight? This sight is not run or supported by Seakout right? Yet when a member has a very disturbing experience with Speakout, they can request that any mention of the incident be deleted? has this issue been resolved? Even if it hasen't, it seems to me that that thread would possibly have helped any members that might experience similar occurrences in the future. I really dont see any reasoning behind the removal besides this site being affiliated or funded in part by Speakout.
Am I wrong here?
1:16 pm
March 12, 2009

I fail to see whose privacy is involved her. Helenees surely isn't concerned, because she's the one who made her complaint public.
This smells like some kind of coverup to me. As andreww asks, what is the relationship between Speakout and this forum? If it is an official Speakout forum, that's fine. Just make it clear and stop masquerading as an independant site. Often, it appears that Speakout's TOS is what determines what we can talk about.
1:22 pm
December 30, 2010

1:22 pm
October 14, 2008

No, this site is run by customers of SpeakOut. Customers just like yourself.
As stated above, I received an email from SpeakOut, saying that they have been in contact with the OP, and are looking into the issue, but since it`s a privacy issue, they asked me to delete the thread. There are crazy privacy laws in this country (as well as the USA).
I can assure you this site is not funded or affiliated with SpeakOut. We`re all volunteers. If someone is indeed getting paid, it`s sure not me! I`m still driving my 1995 Ford
1:42 pm
March 10, 2010

I believe you, but I still don't recall anything from that thread that remotely resembled a privacy issue. All I recall is somebody contacted his Speakout "buddy" who then contacted the OP, but it was the buddy that asked that the thread be removed. So did the OP get the issue resolved or not? Thats the $54 question that I guess we'll never hear the answer to.
1:44 pm
March 10, 2010

1:44 pm
December 30, 2010

1:46 pm
December 30, 2010

andreww said:
chimpanzee said:
relax, the owner of the site choose what to/not to do.
I don't think this site has any formal relationship with 7-eleven/SO.
Let's just use the forum as wanted by the owner/moderators.
If the site isn't here for customers with issues, then what's it here for?
The creation of this thread seems to indicate the angry customer is still angry
1:47 pm
December 30, 2010

chimpanzee said:
crazy to the point that this site is not affiliated to Speakout and they are liable ? That is really really crazy
Would they be sending me email asking me to remove my blog entry for the same privacy reason should I mentioned I use SO ?
Oh, I didn't mean that. Just no need to be too harsh about the owner, as I mentioned we all have our own judgement