11:25 am
July 29, 2011

My 2000 Ford is telling me that I must be super rich...
Firstly, let me repeat the hope I expressed in the other thread that the OP receives a completely satisfactory resolution from Speakout.
Secondly, I would also like to express my appreciation for the moderators of this forum in seeking to assist the OP with resolution by directly contacting someone at Speakout.
Thirdly, I read the final post in the other thread and I thought that it was very well worded and transparent by the moderator. He was trying to help and assist, and alienating Speakout by not adhering to their request would not be helpful at that point in time for the OP.
Fourthly, where privacy rights have not been invoked by the customer, I would encourage Speakout to consider the positive benefits for their brand if they do publicly put the matter right. We are all very much aware that NO IT system is foolproof and that there is ALWAYS a risk of hacking. If someone hacked into a Speakout account to make calls at someone else's expense, it would not deter me from using Speakout if, and only if, I had confidence that Speakout stood behind both their service and their paying customers. I commend to Speakout the positive benefits of transparency in this matter. Speakout is an excellent service, and if they respond positively to this my perception of Speakout would only be enhanced. Not knowing, would leave us wondering ....
6:12 pm
December 18, 2012

Sorry guys. Got back to work and didn't view the post yesterday.
First, I would like to thank iamdrumming for contacting the Product Manager at 7-11 for a few times reporting my issue. Although myself haven't received any feedback, iamdrumming did recerive a message from the PM that he will investigate into it.
The deletion of the post made me unhappy: The experience with customer service was disturbing -- I had to stop contacting them because they do nothing but upset you. I sent email to the speakout asking for the PM to contact me -- I got no answer. If they want to resolve the issue privately, they have so many options other than requesting deleting the post without informing me. We all know how the customer service is there, I still think the forum is the place we can get help from!
I haven't got a penny back yet! I was offered with a half refund which I refused -- it's obviously the system malfunctioning. I post here to share with folks to avoid similar situations.
Since the PM said he is going to investigate, I will allow a few days for him.
Once I get a feedback, I will post the result here.
Thanks everyone!
6:58 pm
December 18, 2012

I agree with obed: if speakout cares more about not paying me back than investigating the root cause of the problem, they will lose their customer's confidence in them. Although I lost one hundred dollor credit last year and I am still using it because we have the user base here -- this gives me confidence.
From my understanding of speakout's point of view, even the account is hacked or somewhat, it is still the customer to pay the bill. They even concluded that the SIM card was stolen and a call was made on another phone - my phone doesn't show this call. Will someone more interested in stealing a SIM to make a free call and put it back than just taking the cash from your purse?
I hope 7-11 will smartly resolve it and show us their protection on the customers.
9:11 pm
August 13, 2009

Sim card stolen?
I think it's possible now. I remember a kickstarter project that was an iphone case that held a keycard with a reprogrammable sim. You'd stick your card in, it would clone the sim into Iphone memory, and then you'd carry just a dummy sim around. whenever you had to use a card machine, you'd pop up an app, and then the sim card would be reprogrammed with whatever credit card you selected.
I wonder if they can do that with cell phones now...
I thought that there was some sort of encryption, but encryption can be broken...
10:32 pm
December 30, 2010

if i remembered what the OP said, the time of the mysterious call was right around the credit was applied and it was an incoming call ? Sounds too much of a coincidence for stolen card theory. How would the caller knew that is the time that the sim would be re-filled and make the call to that number(and never again) ? Beside, if it is a stolen sim, which phone would the incoming call been routed to ? ring both ?
My guess is this was just an accounting mistake at their part but instead of admitting it, just keep on making up theories(without even give it a deep thought on how ridiculous it is).
8:51 am
October 14, 2008

Somethings just aren't adding up in this story. I didn't know until now that the SIM card was stolen. Was the physical SIM card stolen from your phone, and you just didn't report it to SpeakOut?
You said that SpeakOut had absolutely no contact with you (no email, phone calls, etc), but now in your post it says that they concluded the SIM card was stolen. That means they have been in contact, and trying to get to the bottom of this (as I have as well).
As far as someone "stealing/cloning" your SIM card without physically having your card, the chances are slim to none.
10:37 am
March 12, 2009

helenees didn't say her card was stolen. She said that Speakout suggested that. She denies it.
They even concluded that the SIM card was stolen and a call was made on another phone – my phone doesn't show this call. Will someone more interested in stealing a SIM to make a free call and put it back than just taking the cash from your purse?
10:06 pm
December 18, 2012

Let me clear this.
When I first contacted speakout customer service, they GUESSed that either I recieved this call or my SIM was stolen physically and they were only willing to refund half of the cost. While this guess did not have a stand, I refused the offer and requested the calling number. I haven't been contacted since then.
Don't forget the said coming call was addded to my account the same day I topped up my account-- wishing to get the $25 bonus. Coincidentally the half refund is only two dolloar different from the bonus.
6:06 am
March 10, 2010

12:57 pm
August 13, 2009

3:08 pm
February 7, 2013

Hey. Not sure if I'm going to get slapped for hijacking, but I have a similar issue...
We just got my mom a SIM card in Jan because she only made 10 minutes/month in calls when on Telus.
Then I found out that the account was drained today.
So, I called Speakout and they said there was a 125 minute call to 905-xxx-yyyy, which was my parents home bell line.
The odd thing is, besides the fact that this call length is 100% out of character, is that the phone registered the call at 10:xxam, but speakout says it happened at 5pm.
There is no way that my mom called my dad at home at either of those times for 2 hours because she was either at home herself (5pm) or with my 2.5 year old going to music (at 10:xxam)
Anyway, I escalated with the customer service rep over this, who was understanding but could only go by their logs. She said that the manager would get back to me in 1-3 days, but not to be hopeful.
Does this sound familiar with anyone? In this case, the phone did register a call, maybe a pocket dial (?) but it isn't even at the same time as Speakout claims the long call was!....
3:35 pm
December 30, 2010

6:22 pm
February 7, 2013

Ya, I'm an IT guy too.
I had asked the customer service person that exact question and she confirmed that her logs were 5pm EST. Which is the same timezone on the phone and where we live... Even so, Canada doesn't have enough timezones to be off by 7 hours wrt local call log on phone and company billing log.
(I was going to put the TZ in the original post, but thought it was too techy. Funny that you called me on it!)
What I don't get is why a call would continue to rack up minutes. Back in the stepper/crossbar switch days, the originating caller had to terminate otherwise the line of the receiving caller would be held... But in the computerized world, when either end hangs up, the call is terminated. There is NO way that both ends were left off hook to generate this kind of call duration.
11:10 am
February 7, 2013

12:07 pm
December 30, 2010

6:27 pm
December 18, 2012

HI guys.
I initiated this post and want to update you on the issue.
I was told and PMed by iamdrumming that the customer service will contact me in private to settle this down. It's been over a month and I have not heard anything. Anyone would believe they will contact me?
I have a similar issue with jeff2013 except mine is an incoming call and they refused to tell the calling number.
the said call happed on the same day I topped up $100 wishing to receive the $25 bonus. I am wondering if anyone get this bonus.
7:15 pm
October 14, 2008

That's what Roger Barratt told me, that he would investigate, and be in contact with you. If he hasn't, there's not much more that anyone here can do. They are obviously the only ones that can go into your account, and see what really went on.
As for refusing to let you know the calling number, that not a SpeakOut (or any carrier) thing. It's a legal and privacy issue, as previously mentioned. A court order would have to be done, to see incoming call logs. Just the way the laws are written.
Of course, the incoming caller ID would also be on your phone's call log as well, if the phone was turned on.
7:18 pm
December 30, 2010

i don't believe it for one second that it would be resolved
as for log in the cell, i thought the whole story was that there is no log showing that such thing happened.
i did get the bonus on two lines so no there is no conspiracy just rare error(based on what has been told) and they don't want to admit.
7:16 pm
December 18, 2012

Hello Everyone,
I would like to give an update on this post.
I sent Speakout an email to their category manager advised by iamdrumming and they did get back to me timely this time.
Their findings from the provider are: They actually refunded the FULL charge on Dec 31 without other communication when I did not receive their call. (I don't regularly check my balance.)
There is no explanation given although I got the credit back. I think at least they know there is this issue in their system.
Speakout is smart enough to attend to their customers' concerns. We expect right price with good services.
Thanks everyone watching on the topic. Special thanks to iamdrumming's help.